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gaspard, s seguin, new braunfels, TX

Rating: 3 out of 5.

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Gaspard, New Braunfels, TX

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Patrick leas, 3818 S NEW BRAUNFELS AVE, San antonio, TX

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Abrahm Trevino, Common Street, New Braunfels, TX

Rating: 5 out of 5.

This is the best Oncologist that the Lord could have sent me to. He answers all your questions and makes you feel like you are family. I am a three year breast cancer survivor.

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Brenda Convey, New Braunfels, TX

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr. Convey was awesome in explaining what would happen and discussing the best way to treat me (anesthesia) while having cataract surgery.

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Lenka Stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I had a GP like that always late, never on time. I could tell my issues were the last thing on his mind my boobs were the 1st. I was happy to get rid of him. Male or Female if your doctor doesn't care about your problem then get a new doctor some doctors really stink at there jobs then they go to work at the Veterans Hospitals apparently.

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Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Tululu from Dallas Texas how are you all doing, got a new job making molds for various companies very excited. I was being shown around and explained my various duties I was told stankovas will not be tolerated and I was confused until lunch break when I asked and was pointed to the Internet. I now understand and agree. I have been working in the past with many stankovas and I can now see why they would not be tolerated I just called them rotten people was not aware they were called stankovas but I am new to Dallas. I guess each state calls their worst by different names. Thanks Dallas I think I am really going to like it here.

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Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I think they should allow pictures posted. I want one of these t-shirts and don't know were to buy it amazon, ebay. I wounder if they have a sweatshirt for the winter? The greatest lie ever told was the devil convincing the world he does not exist on the back Lenka Stankova Dallas VA convincing the medical board she was a worthy of being called a doctor they did not say a good doctor. I speak Spang Lish Spanish English took it in the 6th grade. Arizonians knew she was garbage, Texas patients hate her and the Mexicans will not take there kids to her most would rather kiss a toilet seat then have her as there doctor. I think its what is says i might be incorrect and I dont blame any of them it has to be the white privilege she has to tell us how rich she is. The comments on health grades alone were enough to have me look elsewhere and that was just one single site. I am quite pissed off the govt would even consider wasting our tax payer dollars for this doctor to do anything in medicine. I think I am going to write my congresswoman. Welcome to a brand new world were bad doctors are rewarded Doc Fauci would be proud.

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Lenka Stankova, Dallas, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Hey James hope your doing better. I am new to this site as well I live in Fort Worth. My name is James Mondoux call me 817 945 3569 anytime day or night love to trade stories about your your surgery and your experience with lenka stankova. Lenka Stankova is one of the most UN PROFESSIONAL doctors in my opinion in modern history CHOOSING NOT TO SHOW UP witch seems she has a pattern of doing not discussing with her patients the potential side effects in some case life changing side effects is Lenka Stankovas BREACH OF DUTY because all Lenka Stankova cares about is her self. NO ONE ELSE You hit the nail squarely on the head sir. Is James short for something I only ask as my mother calls me Jamie? Lenka Stankova cares about one thing as you found out getting the surgery at ALL COST. SCREW THE PATIENT. SCREW the patients future. The only thing that is important is what lenka stankova says it is so I know exactly how you feel James. She didn't SHOW UP for me either so don't feel bad. While I try not to think about Lenka Stankova EVER the butchering I received is evident by everyone who makes a stupid comment every day, every time I look in the mirror the 40 extra pounds I put on witch really hurts as I was in bariatrics to loose weight) the dysphasia, chest pains, *** are just to name a few. All side effects that come with thyroid removal that I SHOULD HAVE BEEN MADE AWARE of but was not because lenka stankova failed to show up for me to. So I do understand you believe me. Lenka Stankova STOLE MY HEALTH CARE CHOICE by withholding pertinent facts and not showing up I should have been given all the information good or bad every patient should that way they can make an informed choice NOT WITH LENKA STANKOVA Most people ask if my doctor was DRUNK at the time of surgery a comment I have heard 1000's of times unfortunately I dont know as we have never met. If I live 4 more years I will have heard that comment more times then people applying for asylum at our southern boarder.

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Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Hey guys its Darren from discount Tires you know you have a Stankova when they ride around on 4 completely bald tires putting there life in danger just to save a few bucks. Why there spare is untouched and brand new if this is you then you are a STANKOVA

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