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Gregory Craft, Salem, OR

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Can't say enough good about all of the personel at Salem Hospital. Wonderful care. Best peoople!

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Gregory Nazar, Baptist Health Floyd, Louisville, Kentucky

Rating: 1 out of 5.

My initial experience with this neurosurgeon was good. Procedure performed for synovial cyst touching my spinal chord went well. Until...a couple of months later, pain increased in same area. A disc had slipped into the spot where the cyst had been. Because precautions were not taken to insure this didn't happen, anither surgery needed to be done. During this procedure something was done incorrectly, again, and spinal fluid leak started, became infected, resulting in ANOTHER surgery to 'clean out the infection'. Meanwhile, he continued increasing my medications to help with the pain. (Looking back at what he had me taking, I probably should have died from an overdose.) Infection continued to worsen. The pain became unbearable! Dr. Nazar said, 'Well, there will be pain while healing.' I couldn't sit, stand, or lie down without a ripping, tearing pain. I thought I would die. My final MRI he ordered showed the infection had gotten into my spine - the bones. It's called osteomyelitis. I've never experienced pain like this in my life! When his nurse practitioner told me over the phone what this was, I almost fainted. I told her I couldn't take this anymore and wanted a new doctor. I wouldn't send my enemy to this man or his nurse practitioner. If you need anything with your spine, go to Dr. Jeffrey Gum, Leatherman Spine Institute. Just do your research.

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Dr.Dan Sewell, Hope Orthopedics, Salem, OR

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Best Doctor. Takes his time and talks to you. Has done 3 surgeries on me and was great with all. You will not be disappointed

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elmer t sorenson, salem, OR

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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servais e gary, salem, OR

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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West Chester, Gregory Kirwan, West Chester, PA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

After I questioned him about billing my insurance company for a surgery I never had, he wrenched my ankle with all his forearm strength. That night, my ankle swelled and turned purplish/red. Tests showed he sprained my ankle and bruised my bone marrow. Since then, I've met other patients who won't return to him. I wish I had been warned prior to my visit. Don't let this happen to you! He never followed-up with me or apologized. He's a quack!!

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Dr. Jack Jessen Hawks, Phoenix, AZ

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Or you could believe the medical board! Haha

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Dr. Jessen has over 15 years of college education and residency with 3...

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Category: Restaurant

Chili’s #1311, 4611 High Point Blvd., Harrisburg, PA, 17111

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I would rate it a 0 if that was an option. This is the second time I have had the same waitress and the second time she should have been fired. I don’t know her name as she doesn’t introduce herself. I will refer to her as the girl with the terrible attitude and too much fishing tackle in her face. She didn’t know what craft brews were on tap either time. She asks another waitress and that waitress knew, so how did she not. She then took our order. As we waited for our food all six people at our table ran out of beverages and we were not asked for a refill. However she was in plain site the entire time socializing with coworkers and joking around not paying attention to her job or her customers. No refill on chips or salsa was offered by her as well. When the food came, two of the orders were wrong. Then and only then did she ask if we wanted refills. I asked for the manager. When the manager came I informed her of the terrible service and that we would like a different server. Oliver was assigned to us and was very attentive and polite. Exactly what I would expect in customer service. When the bill came it was wrong as the waitress had rang in a 2 for $25 as individual items. I think this is done to raise the price to influence the tip. The manager stated it was due to the POS system and it is a know problem. Well if you know about it why aren’t your employees checking for it. Sounds to me like the theft of service. I am paying for not only my food but also to be served. After our new server was assigned the waitress with the bad attitude and too much fishing tackle in her face was seen being consoled and hugged by other employees in plain view of the dinning area. Totally unprofessional. She should be told if she doesn’t like to serve people or do her job she should find another job. And she really should cuz she *** at what she does. FYI the first time she served us we left a zero tip as the service was just as bad. Thought we would give it a second chance and just so happened to get the same inattentive waitress. Shame on that manager for allowing employees to not do their jobs.

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Category: Teacher

Keith schloeman, Chemeketa, Salem, OR

Rating: 2 out of 5.

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Category: Boss

Michelle Tobias, Salem Health, Salem, OR, 97301

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Horrible, hateful, liar and bully. Her supervisor friend brought her to Salem and she likely can’t get employment elsewhere. Don’t work for OR while she’s still there. Staff have left because of her nonsense and her superiors do nothing. There’s no union nor any fair process to make a complaint. Miserable place to work.

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