Average rating of the most matched results:

5.0 out of 5.



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James H Barton, 1955 S 1300 E, Salt Lake City, UT

Rating: 5 out of 5.

The most painless and quick oral surgery ever! He’s thorough, friendly and communicates everything he’s doing. I left the office feeling great. He’s amazing!

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W. Ryan Spiker, 590 Wakara Way, Salt Lake City, UT, 84108

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr. Spiker, a very skilled back surgeon and his staff are very concerned about your problems. They are intelligent and explain your problem in terms that you can understand. They are very friendly and take the time to answer all your questions without making you feel you have to hurry out. I had mullti back problems and was in excruciating pain. He worked through each p roblem systematically and the end results have been extraordinary! It's wonderful to be out of the pain I was in.

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Perry Hoeltzell, salt lake city, UT

Rating: 5 out of 5.

This Dr Hoeltzell is so awesome it was all about me and what he said was right on and he never put me on the back burner he told me what he could do for me he did not have medo 100's of things that would not work I have my surgery 11days ago omg I feel so much better then I have in 1 1/2 years I could not thank Dr Hoeltzell enough for what he did....

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Matthew Johnson, Salt Lake City, UT

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr Johnson quickly put me at ease. I rode down the hall in a wheelchair to surgery, like a race car, fast w his long legs. I did the sound effects! No problems!

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tyler evans, Salt lake city, UT

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I always wakeup with nausea and vomiting. What ever Dr. Evans did, I woke up clear headed after 15 minutes, no nausea or vomiting and was hungry about 10 minutes later. All other times it has be vomiting for 3 to 5 hours and kinda sick for 2 days. He was my ''hero'' from this shoulder surgery from our surgen another Dr. Bruce Evans...both outstanding .

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DrChoe, 301 Prospect Ave Syracuse NY, Syracuse, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Doctor c h o e one of the six neurotic doctor's so-called with monkey see monkey do senseless misdiagnosis in the spirit of the devil with unwanted Muslim Koran disrespect with vial contempt two women

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Semente, 265 lake avenue, St James, NY, 11780

Rating: 1 out of 5.

He’s A money hungry doctor spends under 5 minutes on you very abusive to his employees wouldn’t recommend him if he was the last chiropractor on earth

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John R. Kuhn, 3110 S.W. 89th Suite 200 E., Oklahoma City, OK. 73159, OK

Rating: 1 out of 5.

First visit I had with him he told me I had lots of options to deal with my hearing problem. Second visit with him he installs a drain tube in my ear. Third visit with him I tell him I didn't think it was working (a month and a half later). He says OK then proceeds to pull out the plug, he gives me no explanations, no options, no nothing. Needless to say it hurt pretty bad and his silence made me wonder what on earth is going on. He then walks out. His nurse who is attending him helps me stand up then notices I have blood draining out of my ear onto my face down my neck and on to my shirt she gets several kleenex tissues and cleans me up then escorts me to the front desk. As I'm walking down the hallway to the front their sits Doc Kuhn sitting in a room on the left of the hallway reading a paper and smoking a cigar. This is literally and exactly what he did. No explanations, no goodbye, no see ya later, nothing. He didn't even say whether I was to come back or not. I now think he knew all along that he could do nothing for me so he played me for what he could get out of me. My opinion, he is at best disingenuous and at worst dishonest. Also, He is not forthcoming with anything unless you pump him for answers. His general attitude was that I was bothering him. I do not recommend him.

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Lance Orr, 2170 south ave, South Lake Tahoe, CA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Lacks compassion and understanding. Avoid the Barton ER and this doctor.

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James M. Hill, 1300 East Central Road, Arlington Heights, IL

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr Hill Is an excellent professional. I have sought his services for surgeries including knees and shoulders. In all cases I have been completely satisfied.

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