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lenka stankova, dallas texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

conditions SHE IS not qualified to treat. Adenoid removal. Chronic ear infections. Cochlear implants for hearing restoration. Congenital abnormalities (like a cleft palate or lip or a loss of smell) Deviated septum repairs. Eardrum perforation repairs. Ear tube inserts. Plenty of Good ENT's out there. She is not one of them. Damaged my tongue and continued to lie to me more then a politician. Oh its Ok, It will be Alright. Shes a Bold Face Liar. Let her operate on you but don't say I didn't warn you just how bad she is. My brother VALFRIDO took the bar 5 times does not make him good at being a lawyer. Lenka Stankova is a doctor on paper only.

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Lenka stankova, Dallas Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She was AZ mistake long before she was TX's problem. a stain we were glad was gone

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Lenka Stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I had a doctor just like Lenka Stankova his name was Conroy, everyone kept telling me to trust nothing he said and to verify everything never a good sign. Sounds like patients should do exactly that with Lenka Stankova. The second appointment concluded and I told him he was fired cited the reasons. I had to go before I went mid evil on him. Lenka Stankova sounds just like doc Conroy he was the ice burg that sank the titanic if they listened on the radio many would have survived. The bomb that fell on Nagasaki and Hiroshima if they had surrendered sooner many would still be alive. If more people listened about Doc Conroy and more people listened about Lenka Stankova I would guess less people would have been hurt. I would guess somewhere it says how grateful people are to have her on some team or some crap like that. Whose grateful management people she will never service in her entire life are they grateful because shes the bottom of the barrel and cheap just like Doc Conroy was. Did they ask the veterans the people who she was supposed to service who have the most problems with her. I don't think so based on all the comments. Lucy P Keller Texas

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Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I have gotten a lot of great doctors from HealthGrades on more the one occasion. I do believe doctors pay to remove negatives they all do it and most sites allow it. I trust healthgrades for the most part when they say Lenka Stankova is a bad doctor a 1 star rating I believe them. I would never even consider her. Karl - Roanoke Texas

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Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

No bedside manor whatsoever. And she said covid is fake. Worst doc in texas

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Lenka stankova, Dallas Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

My husband was getting surgery and the lady sitting in the family waiting room along with her daughter had on t-shirts that said if you are having surgery - you would be wise to make sure Lenka Stankova is not in the building. The daughter's t-shirt read a boon for the pharmaceutical company - Lenka Stankova. As one of the many nurses working the floor I failed to ask - Were do I get one?

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Lenka stankova, Dallas Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Satans Doctor - TV show already exist if I recall you will have to come up with something new. I wounder if Satans Doctor knows this. I think maybe a reboot old satan and really older satan. A farther and daughter type of thing has not been done. I think curing covid, ebola sounds cool you are on the right track but I dont think shes capable based on the blogs, peoples comments. I guess she could get lucky a broken clock is right twice. I dont know the lady, sounds like I dont want to know the lady a lonely janitor I am below her station. It seems to me she could not cure covid, ebola or any other serious issue if you gave her the formula for success..

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Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

lenka stanova is a doctor if you could call her that who works at the va in dallas texas. I know this because her name comes up in conversation everyday in the cafeteria. We do not get the best at the dallas va and i agree also its usually the last stop for doctors who want to hang on a little longer. I also think its a FANTASTIC IDEA hang the pictures of all employees.

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Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Tululu from Dallas Texas how are you all doing, got a new job making molds for various companies very excited. I was being shown around and explained my various duties I was told stankovas will not be tolerated and I was confused until lunch break when I asked and was pointed to the Internet. I now understand and agree. I have been working in the past with many stankovas and I can now see why they would not be tolerated I just called them rotten people was not aware they were called stankovas but I am new to Dallas. I guess each state calls their worst by different names. Thanks Dallas I think I am really going to like it here.

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Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I think they should allow pictures posted. I want one of these t-shirts and don't know were to buy it amazon, ebay. I wounder if they have a sweatshirt for the winter? The greatest lie ever told was the devil convincing the world he does not exist on the back Lenka Stankova Dallas VA convincing the medical board she was a worthy of being called a doctor they did not say a good doctor. I speak Spang Lish Spanish English took it in the 6th grade. Arizonians knew she was garbage, Texas patients hate her and the Mexicans will not take there kids to her most would rather kiss a toilet seat then have her as there doctor. I think its what is says i might be incorrect and I dont blame any of them it has to be the white privilege she has to tell us how rich she is. The comments on health grades alone were enough to have me look elsewhere and that was just one single site. I am quite pissed off the govt would even consider wasting our tax payer dollars for this doctor to do anything in medicine. I think I am going to write my congresswoman. Welcome to a brand new world were bad doctors are rewarded Doc Fauci would be proud.

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