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Lenka Stankovas, 4500 S Lancaster Rd Dallas Texas
Jake from Louis Stokes I would like to know how many of these Lenka Stankovas are receiving money from USAID. I can think of 3 doctors veterans would love to see escorted by Veterans Hospital Police to the front door watch as they put them in there vehicle and *** them from the premises and would probably clap the entire time. Its bad enough they are getting paid through the VA suffer no consequences for the poor work, or lack of work there are just no standards and quality went out the window a long time ago. To be collecting from USAID as well would just be down right humiliating akin to prisoners getting covid checks while they are in prison and would explain a whole lot getting money from the government to cure covid thats like curing the common cold. Elon bring your students to Louis Stokes veterans would welcome you with open arms even one Lenka Stankova is one to many at Louis Stokes
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Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119
Tululu from Dallas Texas how are you all doing, got a new job making molds for various companies very excited. I was being shown around and explained my various duties I was told stankovas will not be tolerated and I was confused until lunch break when I asked and was pointed to the Internet. I now understand and agree. I have been working in the past with many stankovas and I can now see why they would not be tolerated I just called them rotten people was not aware they were called stankovas but I am new to Dallas. I guess each state calls their worst by different names. Thanks Dallas I think I am really going to like it here.
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Lenka Stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, 76119
I am glad someone is finally using Elon Musk to solve some serious government problems but he can only suggest. Elon Musk has no power. I think we all wish he did to be able to have an HR department or a complaint office front in center who would actually investigate a veterans complaint instead of file 13 every single complaint due to doctors protections inside every VA accessible to every veteran not tucked away hidden in the back of some campus is not conducive to veterans trust. Congress has a higher approval rating and that isnt saying much. It allows poor doctors like Lenka Stankova who are hated by young and old veterans, who waste taxpayer dollars do more harm then good to flourish on every Veterans Hospital Campus because they are protected. We have more then a few Lenka Stankovas at my VA. Doctors who should have been shown the door a long time ago but enjoy the government protections and the thrill of screwing up Americas Heroes with no recourse.
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Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119
Lenka Stankova worked at Parkland and was the chief of the ENT department at the Dallas Veterans Hospital. If there was anyone that should have never been a doctor its Lenka Stankova. She makes your Stankovas look like SUPERHEROES.
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Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119
Hang The Pictures If you have gas please share If you need Stankovas we have them in spades take some with you.
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Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119
WALKOUT sounds good to me. The STANKOVAS HAVE TO GO. Work Stinks because of them.
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Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119
Christi from Snt Paul we got our share of stankovas as well. we got vaccines
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Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119
Hey Guys its Bobby from Benjamin Charles and I have had my fair share of Stankovas as well, often wondered what I did in a former life to get such poor doctors. I also agree that we have stankovas in every hospital it should lead every veteran to be even more cautious. If you have stankovas in your hospital, Veterans hospital, CBOC give a shout out. I also agree on the comment of hanging the pictures, whats the va afraid of it helps everyone veterans, employees identify whose treating them. We have vaccines also come and get them
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Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119
Aaron from Whiteman We got plenty of Lenka Stankovas running around Whiteman we would love to show the door. We have vaccines as well waiting to serve. I agree wholeheartedly HANG THE PICTURES
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Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119
If you have vaccines and you have LENKA STANKOVAS in your Veterans Hospital in your CBOCS, in your hospital in general you know the ones who just dont CARE about anyone and do more damage to people GIVE A SHOUT OUT. Michelle from WI
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