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5.0 out of 5.



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May am gupta, Overland park, KS

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Khan eyelid and facial plastic surgery, Jemshed A. Khan, M.D., Overland Park, KS

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr. Khan is amazing! His main practice is upper & lower blepheraplasty, upper & lower eyelid tucks. He is a master! From beginning to end, the process was completely comfortable, no pain involved, just about 2 weeks down time. I am very pleased! Fran in Prairie Village, KS.

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ronnie smalling, metcalf ave., overland park, KS

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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michael fomby, overland park, KS

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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michael fomby, Overland Park, ME

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Dr. Debra Friedlander, 8200 Jog Road, Boyton Beach, FL

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I am blessed to have Dr Friedlander as my PCP. Along with het expertise as a PCP she is understanding of any problems I may be experiencing and spends as much time as is necessary to discuss them with me. I never feel "rushed" and any questions I may have are always answered to ensure that I understand the course of action that needs to be taken to resolve that particular situation..She is compassionate and REALLY LISTENS to what I have to say.

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Shaun woods, Hoffman Estates, IL

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr. Wood is the 1st Psychiatrist in 28 years of seeing Psychiatrists, My last Psychiatrist I had for 12 years. My family thought I just needed another opinion. Dr. Wood gave me same diagnosis as all Psychs, but he was the ONLY Psychiatrist who layered the diagnosis differently, that may sound confusing but by layering it properly, the treatment was focused differently and of coarse ongoing treatment. My family said they have been telling me for years, but I believed my Dr. that I had for the past 12 years. I finally after years of hopelessness had a real diagnosis and now I am finally being treated accordingly. Thank you Dr. Wood! Today I am happy to be alive and excited for the future. My family can see a difference in just 10 days.

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jonithan kase, 185broad, wadsworth, OH

Rating: 5 out of 5.

very very bad this dr did surg on me i got an infection he refused to except the fact that i had an infection icame close to loosing a limb i am now on antibotics for LIFE i know that it may not have been his fault but the fact that he did nothing when i first got it i have aproblem with that i also found 2 other people that had almost the exact thing happen to them they had the same Drso be ware do your homework befour you pick this DR

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Frank Arian, Palm Springs, CA

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Doctor Arian is a great diagnostician. He can find the answer to my problem within a few minutes. He always takes the time necessary to answer all my questions. If I have a problem he makes every effort to see me the day that I am having the problem. He always takes the time to answer any questions I may have. He is the most caring, kind and compassionate doctor I have ever had and I would be devastated if he were unable to remain my doctor. I am most thankful for having him as my Primary Care Doctor.

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howard chasolen, 2033 wood st, sarasota, FL, 34237

Rating: 1 out of 5.

:To Whom It May Concern: I was told by the advice from the VA- because of my substandard care that I received from Dr. Chasolen for the two years of a total nightmare, and being totally departed of my hard working sum of $38,000.00- and not having any of the work sent back to me- as I requested on several occasions- just to prove that it was in fact sent back to his discount dental lab in California for the total credit of any money that he paid to them- as he told me when he was sending it back - and telling the lab that it was a totally failing bridge unit- as he explained to me stating that we would receive any and all of the money that was paid to them. Dr. Chasolen then changed his story when he abandoned my treatment plan- that he again failed and could not put together the so called new plan with a new local lab to redo my work, he instead stated to me that the work was not sent back to the California lab- and as a result he was charged for the lab work of the failed unit, I then asked that he please send me all of the so called work that never was not sent back to the lab- and to please send it to me "to prove to myself that it was sent back to the lab and that he in fact did receive all of the money back" The dentist that finished my work even asked Dr. Chasolen for very important information pertaining to critical info. that was needed to complete my work with the new dentist but Dr. Chasolen never answered the request as it was obvious that a lot was being hidden from my substandard care that was provided with the treatment plan that I had for two years with Dr. Chasolen- and so very little was ever provided from Dr. Chasolen himself- other than the time and failed attempt that he made -trying to fix a chip that was done by his work on a $7,000.00 implant crown- even though i agreed to remove the chipped crown and let the lab have an easier time for the unit they were making, "low and behold Dr. Chasolen presented me with a $3500.00 bill to remove the crown that he had to remove because of the negligence in chipping it in the first place. To date my option that I am contemplating is to take out a reverse mortgage on my home to pursue a civil case- and try to get my $38,000.00 back and whatever merit of loss that a 80 year senior veteran would be entitled to for the two year night mare that I received while in treatment with Dr Chasolen. " Again- In Life We Learn From Mistakes, So Please Learn From Mine And Beware"

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