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mike bottros, barnes jewish hospital, stlouis, MO

Rating: 5 out of 5.


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mike bottros, barnes jewish hospital, stlouis, MO

Rating: 5 out of 5.


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dr.Guy Chambers, Mo Bapt hospital, Chesterfield, MO

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Lenka Stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I agree there are more then enough good Ear doctors out there to waste time with a doctor who is woke not liked not wanted can not be fired like most government employees as evidenced by all the complaints. Management is equally responsible for choosing cheap of quality. People get hurt. I guess this is the world we are all living in. My understanding is the Veterans Hospital is a training hospital is that not correct? Is it possible shes a doctor in training? It seems that way. She clearly needs it. One complaint said she was in-tolerate, has no bed side manner does the Veterans Hospital not require DEI training like most workplaces? One complaint said Lenka Stankova was trying to cure covid. Is Lenka Stankova still wasting our money yours and mine on things that can not be cured that's there are injections made available? Sign me up for one of those coveted government jobs.

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Dr. Richard Barnes, Tucson, AZ

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Anyone in the Tucson area looking for a Psychiatrist who not only Prescribes the correct amount of Medication depending on your needs. He also has spent 45 min to an hour speaking with me at every appointment. Before I found Dr. Richard Barnes at the Center4Stress Reduction, I must have seen 3 or more other Psychiatrists who only cared about pushing this drug or lying to me about my insurance not being accepted. I am so Thankful I found a Psychiatrist that I actually trust and I know puts my needs first!

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Pamela Kirwin, MD, 9205 S.W. Barnes Rd., Portland, OR

Rating: 5 out of 5.

The results of your care during my recent surgery reflect how well you listened to me during our pre- surgical conversation. Thank you.

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Deborah White, Saint Joseph, MO

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I have been trying to figure out my diabetes for years. At first, I believed she was a great doctor, but as I'm wanting different options, I'm starting to doubt her. What she says in person versus what she writes in clinical notes don't match. She doesn't accurately portray my desires and concerns in her notes either, which makes me seem like a stupid, uneducated patient. She writes that she suggested a treatment but never mentioned said treatment to me verbally. She failed to list reasons for requesting medication changes. It feels like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde situation. I've considered recording conversations so that future doctors will know the truth versus what's in my records. I have messaged her and her supervising MD regarding my concerns. If they are addressed properly, I will gladly change my rating and review. If not, I will be finding a new primary care doctor for both my daughter and I.

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Dr. Mark Behr, Jewish Hopital Outpatient, Louisville, KY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Has an ego problem and does not understand patient bill of rights. Talks to patients with an authoritarian attitude. Does not allow patient Q&A. Said disparaging remarks to patient and patients family.

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Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I AGREE 1000 percent with the idea the DALLAS VETERANS HOSPITAL should post pictures of ALL the doctors so every single veteran that walks through those doors can see POINT OUT to other veterans whose great who excels and who should not be allowed to walk through the from door as they are that BAD. I came from LACKLAND I have ear issues and I would like to know who the doctor they call the BUTCHER is and believe it would be highly beneficial. Who the doctor they call the HACKER is? Some veterans feel like practice dummies and that should never be the case. Who the doctor they call LOST IN SPACE IS? I want to know who the doctor who makes the HORRENDOUS SCARS on American Soldiers is? We DESERVE a fighting chance at picking a DECENT DOCTOR at the Dallas Veterans Hospital, anything less would be immoral I AGREE WITH THE IDEA and think the VETERANS hospital should post the pictures so those of us who are newly separated will know who to stay as far away as possible? The VA in Dallas should do more to PROTECT us from these doctors and have routine, regular quality checks to make sure the skills they have if any remain top notch as they are operating on American Soldiers. Mediocrity among doctors at the Dallas Veterans Hospital puts us all in DANGER. Maybe one day they will actually care about what happens to us.

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Dallas veterans hospital

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I would not go to the VA even if they paid me to go. My neighbor good guy Vietnam vet I think went in for surgery came out with an oxygen machine always wheezing. We could not be friends anymore machine was so loud. He used to tell my my kids stories about all the great men he served with. They screwed him up. Poor bastard been through wars only to cone home and be destroyed by lousy VA doctors. I asked him how he was doing attached to his long hose his response just waiting to die. Doctors at the VA are responsible to no one. Thet can not be sued it's why they work there for the protection of the government If you can afford it don't go to the VA. Every time I look at him I feel sorry for every veteran

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