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Robert Knego, 5831 Bed Ridge Rd, Sarasota, FL, 34233

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Rating: 5 out of 5.

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sonal patel, 7575 St.Rd.52, hudson, FL

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Dr. Sonal Patel gave me medications that ended with my being bed-ridden for 2 month. She never figured out why I got so ill. I had to put things in the order that they happened to me to figure out that the meds she put me on made me sick. She never acknowledged her wrong-doing. She acted like I did something wrong at my very last visit. Definitely never go to her for medical help.

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howard chasolen, 2033 wood st, sarasota, FL, 34237

Rating: 1 out of 5.

:To Whom It May Concern: I was told by the advice from the VA- because of my substandard care that I received from Dr. Chasolen for the two years of a total nightmare, and being totally departed of my hard working sum of $38,000.00- and not having any of the work sent back to me- as I requested on several occasions- just to prove that it was in fact sent back to his discount dental lab in California for the total credit of any money that he paid to them- as he told me when he was sending it back - and telling the lab that it was a totally failing bridge unit- as he explained to me stating that we would receive any and all of the money that was paid to them. Dr. Chasolen then changed his story when he abandoned my treatment plan- that he again failed and could not put together the so called new plan with a new local lab to redo my work, he instead stated to me that the work was not sent back to the California lab- and as a result he was charged for the lab work of the failed unit, I then asked that he please send me all of the so called work that never was not sent back to the lab- and to please send it to me "to prove to myself that it was sent back to the lab and that he in fact did receive all of the money back" The dentist that finished my work even asked Dr. Chasolen for very important information pertaining to critical info. that was needed to complete my work with the new dentist but Dr. Chasolen never answered the request as it was obvious that a lot was being hidden from my substandard care that was provided with the treatment plan that I had for two years with Dr. Chasolen- and so very little was ever provided from Dr. Chasolen himself- other than the time and failed attempt that he made -trying to fix a chip that was done by his work on a $7,000.00 implant crown- even though i agreed to remove the chipped crown and let the lab have an easier time for the unit they were making, "low and behold Dr. Chasolen presented me with a $3500.00 bill to remove the crown that he had to remove because of the negligence in chipping it in the first place. To date my option that I am contemplating is to take out a reverse mortgage on my home to pursue a civil case- and try to get my $38,000.00 back and whatever merit of loss that a 80 year senior veteran would be entitled to for the two year night mare that I received while in treatment with Dr Chasolen. " Again- In Life We Learn From Mistakes, So Please Learn From Mine And Beware"

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Dr Chippy Nalluri, Arlington St, Sarasota, FL, 34239

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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John J. McGuigan, 844 Kempsville Rd., Ste 104, Norfolk, VA, 23502

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I found a new provider. I’ll no longer be seen by Dr. McGuigan /Sentara Hand Surgery Center. Dr. McGuigan spoke to me like I was ignorant. Constant replies of “I do not understand what you are asking.” when there was no way to not understand. He was very rude. I even drew pictures to get him to answer my questions. He still replied with “I do not understand what you are asking.”. I have memory issues. So he kept repeating the medical terminology when I asked if a miracle occurred and my nail began to grow from the “nail matrix”, would it be able to attach to the nail bed and be able to grow out. He kept repeating “germinal nail matrix”. I said ok, will it grown and be able to attach to the nail bed? He said “I don’t understand your question.” What???? I drew a picture from a side view. He still couldn’t understand my question. There is no way he couldn’t. He finally said, “your nail will never grow. There is no germinal nail matrix left.” My nail is now over an 1/8” longer than it was at the time of the accident. It’s been 7 weeks. I wouldn’t go to him because he’s rude. I would give him credit for his knowledge, if he would share it and not be like Fort Knox with it, but share it. Be kind to your patients. They appreciate that. Also don’t keep implying that they are ignorant by constantly correcting their medical terminology. We’ve not been to med school. If we point and say, right here where the nail grows out of at its very point of growth, don’t keep repeating “germinal nail matrix”. That’s rude. Answer their questions instead. Be kind. Don’t imply that they intentionally caused the accident by calling it self inflicted. If you hear someone committed suicide, they call that self inflicted implying an intentional act. Accidents happen. I tend to think he was treating me this way, because he thought the accident was caused by stupidity. FYI, accidents do happen. Please treat your patients kind. The accident was traumatic enough without you adding insult to injury.

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kummer,v, bilby rd., hacketstown, NJ

Rating: 5 out of 5.

great bed side maner prompt expiains everything

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Dr. Laura McNaughton, 4301 Sergeant Rd, Sioux City, IA

Rating: 5 out of 5.

If I could give a rating higher than 5 I defiantly would. Dr. McNaughton saved me from a hole that I was being swallowed up by. Dr. McNaughton performed a breast reduction and tummy tuck on me. After my second child my chest grew much larger than I could handle affecting my breathing. I had done the dieting and lost a significant amount of weight but sadly chest or my muffin top was going no matter how much working out I did. I was always bigger chested but when it started to be a problem while chasing the kids around I knew it was time to do something. So I guess you could say Dr. McNaughton was my saving grace! I truly mean that statement because from the moment I woke up I could take a deep breath without having to stop in the middle of a conversation. This may seem very simple and CRAZY to some people but for the ones that do understand what I am talking about words can not explain how grateful I am for her. Another major perk is I have minimal most of my scars are healing and "fading" or "blending" (sorry not sure what is a better word there) into my normal skin tone color. This is even more exciting because I have an extremely fair complexion. Lastly, Dr. McNaughton is ALWAYS (day or night) available for questions or concerns even months after your surgery. As I stated in the being she pulled me out of a deep hole I truly mean that! She has done so much for my family and I simply by listening and having the best bed side manner of anyone I could ever ask for. When you tell her how you feel and what you are thinking she truly listens! I cannot say enough wonderful things about Dr. McNaughton because I feel and know that I do not have enough space here for that. So I guess what I am trying to say if you are needing anything done that involves plastic surgery Dr. McNaughton is the Best and Only choice. I would ever let a family member choice or myself choice anyone other than her.

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Dr mostetler, center ridge rd, westlake, OH, 44145

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Heart doctor

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Robert J Middleton, MD, 3703 Taylorsville Rd, Ste 206, Louisville, KY, 40220

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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