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Travis Dwywer, various, DE

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Dr Travis Dwyer told me he was experienced with a simple ankle procedure. I had a list of questions my Orthopedic doctor had told me to ask. Dr Dwyer said he was experienced with this simple procedure which he was not, in fact he had never did this surgical procedure and was using me to teach himself. This all became apparent post op when my ankle joint was hanging out the side of my leg, my foot up on the side making it difficult to get around. I continued to request him to do xrays to see what the problem was and he would not do them. He did tell me sine they are a teaching facility he was going to teach this procedure. Now if he already had the experience this would of never came up. He has crippled me, destroyed my life and I still may have to have an amputation. I finally went back to the Orthopedic doctor but the damage was so extensive there was nothing he could do he referred me to an expert to try to reconstruct my leg, ankle and foot with plates, rods, screws and grafts. The Orthopedic doctor said the surgery Dwyer did was not what he did and the expert told me no doctor can ever cut through the bone in which Dr Dwyer did this would happen. The Doctors had never seen any surgeon use that surgical technique. What made it worse is instead of Dr Dwyer sending to someone to fix his errors he continued to have me come in 6 months for post op appointments. He knew there were horrible problem he didn't refer me out asap to someone that may of been able to help so the damage was not so extensive. Not only did the ankle bone die but I had dead bones on the foot and the leg bone all because he remained negligent. He was trying to figure out how to hide this negligent mistake which only made the damage worse. Per the infectious disease doctor I would of became sepsis and probably died. the bottom line is he was negligent pre and post op. The state in which I live (DE) has the medical board and recently arrested a doctor for medicare fraud and identity theft of his minor patients. The consumer advocate group noted DE is not know for disciplining like the other States. Attorneys don't want cases unless there are millions being net into their pocket and my leg hasn't been amputated yet therefore the case wasn't worth as much and my statue expired. I had a good salary until he touched me. While I was trying to obtain an attorney I came across one that had a current case and this man had an amputation. A few months ago a lady sent me a message through FB asking if I was the person who posted a previous review on this Doctor, she to has issues from his surgery and is trying to seek medical attention elsewhere to see if it can be corrected. Do not trust this doctor, Do not let this doctor touch you unless you want to gamble with your ability to walk or live. He should be charged with 1st degree assault but all doctors are above the law. If they are charged it has to go through the corrupt medical board first.

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Natasha, Travis 6655, Houston

Rating: 3 out of 5.

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Dr. Travis Hecker, Hendersonville, NC

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This doctor gave me a drug that my pharmacist warned me about, so I only bought 6 pills. In a few days I got a letter from my insurance company sent me a letter stating this drug is unsafe to give to those over 65 for the side effects were awesome. I passed out so many times but the most dangerous time was I got in my car. Thank God I got a phone call and did not drive the car. I was going to get my puppy from my groomer and could have killed myself and others on the road. After the call, I passed out in the car at around 3 :00 until 7:30 in the evening. Bless the groomers heart for she knew I would not leave my dog and EMS. God Bless that man for I really would not have been able to walk into my home. I confronted Hecker. Asked me what had killed my pain before, told they gave me a drug in the called percoset. I did not really know what it was. I said to him in a very calm manner I could ring your neck, I thought a common saying. He.left the room and in a few minutes, it struck me that this man was angry. and I was upset for I. had profiled his behavior and got up walked a little improvised office, no doors, where I experienced something I have never seen, a temper tantrum to beat the band. In my life time, I flew for a major airline as a flight attendant and a teacher of 12th graders. I have never seen anything like it !!!!. But found my former doctor who told me that he had been fired from that medical system but to cover themselves did not publicly announced it. NOW this powder keg is Brevard County's problem.. The thought of being put under by this man is horrifying to me and should be to anyone. In my opinion, he is an extremely, insecure person which certainly shows if you question his authority. I was thrown out of the pain clinc and given a bottle of oxycodone-7.5_325 It was issused to me on May 17 16 and I still have the bottle with plenty of pills in it. After that day with Hecker, it was amazing of how people called to say how sorry they were. Oh, I went to the NC medical Board, they thought it was perfectly ok. Am sure the hospital backed him completely, but they finally figured it out and let him go. Now my final thought, this was done to a lady who has a spine desinitagrating, a knee that isi in horrid shape and is painful and was 72 years old. Be careful Hendersonville, you have tome bomb ticking but so sure this fool would have another story.

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Category: Veteran Hospitals Treating Soldiers

Veteran Administration Hospitals

Rating: 1 out of 5.

The watchdog agency, Government Accounting Office (GAO) has called on VA to tighten up its credentialing. GOA’s audit of the agency found multiple instances where veterans received medical services from 57 disqualified providers who were disqualified from providing care to patients. “VHA facilities did not consistently adhere to policies regarding providers with adverse actions,” GAO said in its report. That report was delivered to the House Committee on Veterans *** Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. The report hones in on one massive failure within the agency that has plagued its hiring and credentialing of clinicians for years – – staff responsible for credentialing are not provided mandatory training focused on credentialing. Seems like an obvious issue given the history of problems VA continues to struggle with within its audits and various investigations by the press. FierceHealthcare, a government-centric publication, highlighted a few examples from the report worth noting. In at least five facilities, agency hiring officials were unaware of hiring policies against hiring doctors with revoked or surrendered medical licenses. Underlying admissions for relinquishing one’s licenses were in instances of misconduct, incompetence or providing substandard care. Anyone with these issues is supposed to be precluded from working for VA to provide medical care. In one instance, VA hired a nurse whose license was revoked for patient neglect who later resigned. This issue is not a new problem. Over the years, various news reports have highlighted VA’s struggle to maintain adequate credentialing of its doctors, which is a part of this problem. In some instances, VA would publish false credentials to the public about its own doctors. In one instance, VA reportedly hired a doctor who previously surrendered his license after failing to complete continuing education. Now, continuing education can be very important in areas like stroke treatment or management of atrial fibrillation, for example. In other instances, VA would select unqualified clinicians to provide diagnostic medical services including detection and treatment of veterans seeking benefits following traumatic brain injuries. In 2015, I started working with Kare11 News and AJ Lagoe to uncover instances where my own clients were economically or physically harmed due to this form of negligence. At that time, we uncovered VA used unqualified doctors to diagnose traumatic brain injuries. This investigation uncovered another problem where the agency published false or expired credentials to the public about their doctors – – both problems likely existed for a decade or longer. At the end of the day, the agency does not tightly police its own clinicians to ensure they are appropriately licensed, adequately credentialed, and adequately trained to provide the services they are providing to veterans nationwide. Obviously, the agency failed to address the core problem. The agency fails to hold officials accountable when they fail to select appropriately trained and qualified clinicians to provide medical services to veterans. Apparently, the problem is so prevalent the agency continued to hire unqualified clinicians to provide services to veterans without licenses to provide those services. Who will be held accountable? How many veterans were harmed?

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Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Tululu from Dallas Texas how are you all doing, got a new job making molds for various companies very excited. I was being shown around and explained my various duties I was told stankovas will not be tolerated and I was confused until lunch break when I asked and was pointed to the Internet. I now understand and agree. I have been working in the past with many stankovas and I can now see why they would not be tolerated I just called them rotten people was not aware they were called stankovas but I am new to Dallas. I guess each state calls their worst by different names. Thanks Dallas I think I am really going to like it here.

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Marc greenstein, 400 Hiatus Rd, Pembroke Pines, FL

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I have been a patient of Dr. Greenstein since the early 1990's. I have ALWAYS found him to be a very caring physician. He has continued to exhibit an extremely professional manner through the years, while maintaining a sincere and genuine interest in my health as well as my family's health and well being. He has on numerous occasions CORRECTLY diagnosed various health concerns and proceeded with appropriate advice or treatment. Further more, EVERGREEN MEDICAL CENTER Staff (especially Lori) is professional, friendly and courteous who show their concern for the patient's health. I never feel rushed or insignificant when calling or visiting this office. I do not EVER hesitate to recommend Dr. Greenstein to anyone in need of a medical recommendation.

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Diana collins, Sugarland, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Not very good . Lacking good psychiatric knowledge on various subjects that I brought up and mental health is nothing to play with .

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Russell Hisscock, DO, 30809 1st Ave S, Federal Way, WA

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr Hisscock is the most caring, concerned and intelligent physician I have seen in my long search to heal myself from various injuries. He listens to his patients and truly wants to heal. I would recommend him to anyone that needs a great DO. In addition, his Nurse Stephanie Chismody is the best and is on top of her game. I am so blessed and grateful to have found them!

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Kelly Malinoski, 7955 Airport Pulling, Naples, FL

Rating: 5 out of 5.

After 20 years several trips to various Podiatris I have finally acheived very comfortable feet. The surgery and recovery was quite pain free and willl allow me to walk on the golf corse again. I am so pleased. Jim Hivnor

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Lenka Stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

The Arizona University IS CALLING they want there degree back. Ear Nose and Throat (ENT). Things Shes not qualified to do very good I think based on Vitals. What kind of person promotes themselves with de-funked magazines and then calls us jerks. I will tell you someone who is *narcissism and shallowness is so extreme X 2

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