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Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Dr Choe, 301 Prospect Ave Syracuse NY, Syracuse, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Dr. C h o e one of the six neurotic so-called doctors with monkey see monkey do misdiagnosis inflicting in the spirit of the devil unwanted Muslim Koran disrespect and vile contempt to women

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DrChoe, 301 Prospect Ave Syracuse NY, Syracuse, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Doctor c h o e one of the six neurotic doctor's so-called with monkey see monkey do senseless misdiagnosis in the spirit of the devil with unwanted Muslim Koran disrespect with vial contempt two women

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C d l l u r v a l i n t i n e a l e, 72 Washington Street, Taunton, MA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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Christopher Eversen, 10000 No. Main St, Richfield, UT

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Don't trust him with your medication. I told this dr. in E.R. not to give me *** or propofol and in E.R. I was given 3 I.V. doses of *** in E.R., then in surgery suit prior to surgery medication cocktail was discussed with me naming nerve block, anti-emetic, & Versed. But during surgery my now owned hospital records show 4 times the *** was pushed into me during surgery! Liar! He was told by me and I had two friends as witnesses next to me in E.R. that I did not want any ***, not to use it on me. I had a broken bone, was uncomfortable , but no way needed that narcotic the industry likes to push on people. I've had 7 children, that is painful and a narcotic like *** is not given for childbirth. How dare this Eversen D.O. presume that as an elderly female I was to be ignored. Patients have no rights, no matter what federal laws are passed for patient rights, in hospitals, but doctors do as they damn well please to you putting poisons you do not want by force into you. Hospitals kill people, are probably worse to be confined in than prisons.

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Housel, Syracuse, NY

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Dimitriy Nikolavsky, 550 Harrison St, SYRACUSE, NY, 13202

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr Nikolavsky at Upstate Urology is an absolute miracle worker! He is truly my hero. After a botched procedure at another facility left me incontinent and in tremendous pain and with a severely damaged urethra for 7 months, Dr Nikolavsky and the team at Upstate took over and began to correct the problem. They first got the infection that was raging in me under control. Then Dr Nikolavsky performed a urethraplasty that removed the necrotic tissue and replaced it with healthy tissue. He then implanted an AUS to return my continence. It was a long road to recovery but I went from absolute misery to a happy, healthy life. Dr Dimitriy Nikolavsky is a rock star in my opinion!

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Sanju Eswaran, Syracuse, NY, 13202

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Thomas M Maltese, Helen MacGregor, Nasri N Galy, Roger G levine, David K Frey, 660 Madison Street, Syracuse, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

These unconscionable pretending Cronies so-called Doctor's are prepared to play Russian roulette with precious lives, prescribers of Electroconvulsive psychiatric torture for certain causing brain damage. God will take his hand and the time is now!

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DrChoe, 301 Prospect Ave Syracuse NY, Syracuse, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Dr. Choe one of the six neurotic doctor's so-called with monkey see monkey do senseless misdiagnosis in the spirit of the devil unwanted Muslim Koran disrespect with vial contempt to women

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