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Yuko Yano, Seattle Surgery Center, 900 Terry Ave, 3rd Floor, Seattle, WA, 98104

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr. Yano immediately put me at ease prior to surgery. She explained how the anesthesia was going to be applied and that i would be asleep without a care in the world.

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Gayatri Reddy, Group Heath Capitol Hill, Seattle, WA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Do Not go to Group Health (or as my friends call it Group Death) and Dr. Gayatri Reddy who is one of their oncologist. January 2017, I went to see her from Spokane Washington. Made a special trip, because Group Health told me I needed to see one of their doctors before I could be referred on to a cancer research center. So my wife and i made the trip. Dr. Reddy came in, and asked "Why are you here to see me?" I told her I have a tumor on my kidney, I wanted a second opinion as to how to treat this." Her response? "Well, there is nothing I can do." I asked if she has reviewed my records. "Yes. The type of cancer you have, we cannot treat, so there is nothing I can do." (now I'm thinking, if you KNEW this, why didn't you call us so we did not have to make the trip over, book a room...) She then told me the best thing to do for a second opinion would be to see a GH Urologist. Okay, I said, could you help us get in to see one while we are in town for two days? Her reply was simple. "No. Any other questions?" My jaw dropped. I've lost one kidney to cancer. I'm really trying to keep the second one.. and this bed side manner SUCKED. When I said, no more questions, she got up thanked us for coming and left. a 4 - 5 minute exam. She did nothing. Oh, but Group Health was quick to bill me their $450. I'm a Group Health Member. For now. Please people if you have an appointment with Dr. Gayatri Reddy, CANCEL IT. There are good doctors out there, but NOT at Group Health Capitol Hill.

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Jimmy Tran, Seattle, WA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

He botched my cyst surgery. It got infected and still not healing after 2 months. Cyst is back and it hurts worse. And now there is a scar.

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Bruce Kinney, 629 N Sandusky ave, Bucyrus, OH

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I have been a nurse for 40 years and I am still employed in a hospital. for insurance purposes we are required to get yearly tests and exams done. I went to Dr.Kinney for my gyn tests,but he gave me a complete physical,no other doctor has given me such good treatment. I had been told that I had a heart murmer by another doctor but he did not follow up. Dr Kinney immediately consulted the cardioligist at the hospital where I work(I didnot know this untill I got home from work and had a message to contact Dr. Frazier.) An echo of my heart was done and Dr. Kinney came to my floor to show me the results. To cut this short, I had to have an aortic valve replacement.Dr.Kinney really did save my life ,thanks to his concern and caring.He still follows up with me whenever I have testing done.From working with him in the out-patient surgery dept he seems to be caring and concerned for his patients.Thank you Dr. Kinney for all you did for me.

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John Hopkins Affiliated, 21 Crossroads 3rd floor

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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Terry Thompson, FNP-C, East Falls Primary Care, Idaho Falls, ID

Rating: 1 out of 5.

On July 3 2018, I had sinus surgery. This created so much swelling, I was unable to breathe through my nose and was unable to sleep for 7 days afterward. Being bipolar, this lead to a manic state. Mania can be a very dangerous condition that can wreck lives and cause hospitalizations. When I pointed this out in an attempt to obtain a sleeping aid that would work for me, she obviously thought that I was just drug-seeking and threatening and manipulating her. She would not prescribe a med without seeing me, even though I had previously had it filled by a former psychiatric provider, and would not see me FOR ANOTHER 6 DAYS, during which I would continue to have severe insomnia and mania. And even then, there was no guarantee; she seemed very reluctant to listen to me or cooperate. She either didn’t believe me or didn’t care—not sure which is worse. Terry represents the worst kind of medical provider who stigmatizes, doesn’t understand and mistreats patients who unfortunately have mental illness.

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Dr Jeffrey Goldstein, 900 Rand Rd, Des Plaines, IL, 60016

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Great experience with a bone on bone knee operation. From beginning to end, literally through pre-op appointments to post-op and therapy, I was in capable hands. Dr. Jeffrey Goldstein did an amazing job. I had minimal pain after surgery and my new knee is perfect. My visits to his office were always quick, no waiting and he always had knowledgeable, professional answers to all my frenzied questions, letting me be able to leave confident in my recovery and anxiety free. Amazing surgeon!

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janelle pieros, 678 3rd Abr, Chula Vista. Ca, CA, 91910

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I have been a patient of Dr Pierros for approximately 5 years. She works at the San Ysidro health Center on 3rd Avenue in Chula Vista. I am a disabled senior citizen. I use a walker, and it's difficult for me to get around especially since I used public transportation. Despite the covid virus, she really has consistently treated her patients poorly. I told her in the past that she tries to hide from patients and that is no way to be a doctor. I am in a bad situation now, I'd like to talk to her, but as usual, she is nowhere to be found. I am really upset, despite the virus, she treat patients like crap. I scheduled an appointment almost 2 months ago to see her... and I waited this long! I was not told by anyone that she wouldn't be there for the appointment. In fact I tried to contact her directly to determine whether she is going to be there or not and I never received a response. Guess what, she wasn't there! Iam hopping mad!!! A doctor should not treat their patients this way. They should have some compassion and respect, which I believe Dr pieros lacks both in. If she can't be a proper physician, have the care and respect necessary to be a doctor, then perhaps she should go into used cars sales

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Martin Mankey, 601 Broadway, Seattle, WA, 98122

Rating: 2 out of 5.

He wasn't a very good surgeon. He had to go in for repairs like three times. Then I had to come back and get the hardware removed a year later and even then he fought me about it. He seems incapable of acknowledging that he could have made a mistake. He got flustered really easy and the only bright spot in the appointment was his nurse.

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Sean Toomey, Seattle, WA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I had a hip replacement done by Dr. Toomey about a year ago . The surgey went well but a visiting nurse noticed something on on the incision a and after Dr. Toomey looked at it on a phone camera he said it was my bursa, and never did look at the incision itself. His Associate looked at it and also s said it was mybursa. I then became very ill because it was a serious infection and I wa I was in several hospitals for many months to get rid of of it. I still have pain and must use a walker at all times. I am sure Dr. Toomey was aware of what was going on but has never contacteted me. I am in Assisted Living and now believe I can never walk again with ithouithout

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