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Molly Cain, Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Let's set the record straight. Molly interviewed but was not hired by Health Wildcatters for what should be obvious reasons to anyone that has met her or read her blog. Health Wildcatters does not condone or tolerate hate speech. Health Wildcatters is not associated in any way, shape or form with Molly Cain, currently Deputy Director of the IRS. Health Wildcatters have never ever participated in or sponsored any of Molly's blogs at Glassheel or Govcity, and does not support reverse racism or gender discrimination. Molly did briefly wok at Tech Wildcatters but was terminated by her boss, Robert B. Later, Tech wildcatters under Ricky and Said refused to hire Molly or allow her to be a mentor. Molly's credentials are suspect to put it nicely.

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Category: Molly Cain

Deputy Director IRS, Dallas, Texas

Rating: 5 out of 5.

No no people. Don't believe the lies! Let me set the record straight. My name is Molly Cain. I am the deputy Director of the Internal Revenue Service. I was CEO of tech based lobbying firm Gov City and I was CEO of a major female empowerment company called GlassHeel. One of the first of its kind. As you can see, I am not only a trailblazer, but I'm also credible. So credible that the government trusts me enough to make me an executive of the IRS. I was not fired or rejected by Comerica Bank, Tech or Health Wildcatters, or any employer. If anything, I was laid off because those companies suffered from poor management. I left the entire Texas startup ecosystem because I was the victim of constant sexual harassment from Hubert Zajicek, Ken Anderson, Steven Gehfeld, Robert Brevelle, Doug Lunn, Tony Milikin, Ricky Tejapaibul, Harry Kochat, Kevin Vela, and Stephen Hayes. Then there were the interns that harassed me daily it seems. I am an entrepreneur but I can't remember a company I founded that actually made a dollar of revenue or profit. That's what these horrible men do to women like me. Make life so crazy that I can't remember all of my successes. But I am happy now. Working at the IRS going after men, conservatives, republicans, and the like. Yes, I'm back you biooochees. Molly Cain forever!

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Molly Cain, Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Remember the video of molly cain, who now works at the irs, breaking into the office after she was fired? That was hilarious. Its been a while since we watched that the TW reunions. She broke into the office with her drunk friend. They trashed the office and drew disgusting pics on the whiteboards and walls. They wrote nasty misogynistic things about Gabriella Zielke on the whiteboards. Molly may act like she is all about women empowerment and supporting minorities, but if you watch the video and see what she writes and says, you will know that she is 100% white power kkk.

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Category: IRS

Molly Cain, Associate director of enterprise digitalization

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She is the same molly that was fired from tech wildcatters, comerica bank, and zielke investments. Her boss Gabriella thought so much of Molly's skills, that she fired her. That's right. Fired and cursed out. Molly cried like the backstabber she is. She was using Gabriella to pump up her side gigs with glassheel and govcity. Both flopped. Molly is now an employee of the IRS. Perfect place for this friendless, husbandless, barren, cold hearted male basher. I'm sure she'll leave a wake of sexual harassment claims and allegations of sexism there just like she did everywhere else, including Epigen and comerica. No one will touch her in Texas. Not even capital factory. She is like a cancer to any organization.

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Divorced for being a pos cheating ***e. The same Molly Cain that lied ...

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Category: IRS

Molly Cain, Associate director of enterprise digitalization

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Divorced for being a pos cheating ***. The same Molly Cain that lied on her resume saying she was vp at a bank, vp at tech wildcatters, vp at health wildcatters, and founded 2 startups. All lies. She was fired from most of the jobs. The others aren't real jobs. Just made up volunteer positions she created while drunk.

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Category: Tech Wildcatters

Molly Cain, Dallas, Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Its great sharing the security camera footage of IRS' very own, Molly Cain. There's the videos of her sleeping the office. Drinking wine in the office. Yelling and cursing at Maggie and Stephanie in the office. Cursing at interns in the office. Dressed like a sloot in the office showing off her camela tow. And the video of when she was fired and cried.

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Category: GlassHeel, Sumo Ventures

Molly Catherine Cain, Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Ask Adam Whitney about Molly Cain. He exposed her for lying about being fired from Tech Wildcatters and for claiming fake employment at Sumo Ventures and GlassHeel. She was a volunteer at those companies. Not paid. Free volunteer loser troll. Now works at IRS where all of the trolls go. Her ex in laws work for goverment so they got her a job there even tho she aint qualified. Must be nice to live a white girl privileged life.

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Category: John Reed

Tech Wildcatters and Azalea Ventures, Dallas, Texas

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Molly Cain. 5 ft tall. 150 pounds. Dang! Thats a fat IRS auditor. Lol.

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Category: John Reed

Tech Wildcatters and Azalea Ventures, Dallas, Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Fired Molly Cain for violations of ethics and company code of conduct. Then she accused him of being a sexist and discrimination. She started spreading rumors that he harassed her at work. John is like a saint. so professional. he never did any of those things. Either way, she was fired, cried like a baby, and had to be manhandled out of the office. She came back, trespassed, and was drunk. Made a huge scene and trashed her office. Molly Cain of GlassHeel, GovCity, Sumo Ventures, and Deputy Director of the IRS. 5 feet tall, 150 pounds, fake blonde hair, fake eye lashes, fake lips, fake resume, and a fake personality. What a loser.

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Category: John Reed

Tech Wildcatters and Azalea Ventures, Dallas, Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

He was mentor. I used to flirt with him and he would flirt back even though his is 30 years my senior. He would always complement me and slap my behind. But then he betrayed me when he let Gabriella fire me. He wouldn't return my calls. He didn't do anything to save my job even tho I did a lot for him. Then he supported replacing me with an intern. I was nearly 40 years old and replaced by a college intern. How embarrassing, but the joke is on all of them. Now I work for the IRS, and I am an Executive. Yours truly, Molly Cain.

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