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St. Vincent's Hospital, Billings, Montana

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Hope you never have to go to the emergency room at Saint Vincent’s Hospital in Billings, Montana. The staff there are very unprofessional, and uneducated making people wait for over an hour and a half, and sometimes longer. Rooms are unappealing, small, and cramped. If in need, there is an alternative right down the street.

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Psychiatric Torture, 301 Prospect Ave, Syracuse, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

St. Joseph,s Hospital 301 Prospect Ave . Syracuse NY Condone and Enable dangerous extremist foreign Doctor's thus, bonding ethnic Doctor's who do not know right from wrong. St Joseph,s Hospital and other St Joseph,s Hospitals state wide are fraudulently draining Medicade. These criminals cold bloodedly abduct and confine with misdiagnosis for years at a time. They performed psychiatric torture causing permanent brain damage, severe mental confusion with out justification. God will take his hand and the time is now!

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Category: Doctor

David Stellway M.D., Portland, OR

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Was very pleased with the care received and the care in which I was treated with compassion and respect and dignity like a person and not a paycheck I definitely recommend St. Vincent's Hospital and their services Doctors and Nurses in Portland Oregon

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Category: Doctor

St Vincent's, Dr. Rho Zhu, Birmingham

Rating: 1 out of 5.

He misrepresents himself by claiming to be a neurologist when he's actually an internist-and it shows. He can barely speak English and he's been practicing for 4 years. His responses consist of "hmmmmm", regardless of what you've said or asked. It seems like he has an alcohol or drug problem because he is not completely coherent and is very forgetful. He misdiagnosed me and it almost cost me my life. While I was in the hospital he constantly criticized my PCP (which is totally unprofessional and ridiculous) when my PCP was the one who actually discovered and treated the problem upon discharge. Stay away from "Dr." Zhu. He is a complete disgrace to St Vincent's and everything they claim to stay for and support. Disgusted and disappointed-I'll never go back to St Vincent's because of his gross negligence and failure to follow the standard of care.

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Category: Doctor

St Vincent's Hospital, Rho Zhu, Birmingham, AL

Rating: 1 out of 5.

He barely speaks English (is he even here legally?), he seems very confused about basic tenets of internal medicine, and he misdiagnosed me after keeping me in the hospital for over 48 hours. He finally diagnosed me with Vitamin B 12 deficiency when he couldn't figure out what else could be wrong after running a CT scan, an ECHO, a carotid Doppler, and countless blood tests...ALL of which came back normal. On my discharge sheet the diagnosis said Vitamin B 12 deficiency. The paperwork he sent to my PCP said something entirely different. I am pursuing a lawsuit against him and Dr. Lucy Wheeler (also from St Vincent's) for failure to provide a correct diagnosis leading to severe, life altering consequences. STAY AWAY from St. Vincent's at all costs.

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Category: Doctor

St Vincent's Hospital, Rho Zhu, Birmingham, AL

Rating: 1 out of 5.

He barely speaks English (is he even here legally?), he seems very confused about basic tenets of internal medicine, and he misdiagnosed me after keeping me in the hospital for over 48 hours. He finally diagnosed me with Vitamin B 12 deficiency when he couldn't figure out what else could be wrong after running a CT scan, an ECHO, a carotid Doppler, and countless blood tests...ALL of which came back normal. On my discharge sheet the diagnosis said Vitamin B 12 deficiency. The paperwork he sent to my PCP said something entirely different. I am pursuing a lawsuit against him and Dr. Lucy Wheeler (also from St Vincent's) for failure to provide a correct diagnosis leading to severe, life altering consequences. STAY AWAY from St. Vincent's at all costs.

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Category: Doctor

Susan Winchester, Birmingham, AL

Rating: 3 out of 5.

would like rating for Dr. Winchester of St. Vincent Hospital - Birmingham, Alabama

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Category: Doctor

Wayne Glazier, 95 Prescott St, Worcester, MA

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr. Wayne Glazier, St. Vincent Hospital system, is an excellent proctologist. He has kept my BPH at bay for nearly 15 years. He really knows his stuff. Revjim

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Category: Doctor

Christopher Eversen, 10000 No. Main St, Richfield, UT

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Don't trust him with your medication. I told this dr. in E.R. not to give me *** or propofol and in E.R. I was given 3 I.V. doses of *** in E.R., then in surgery suit prior to surgery medication cocktail was discussed with me naming nerve block, anti-emetic, & Versed. But during surgery my now owned hospital records show 4 times the *** was pushed into me during surgery! Liar! He was told by me and I had two friends as witnesses next to me in E.R. that I did not want any ***, not to use it on me. I had a broken bone, was uncomfortable , but no way needed that narcotic the industry likes to push on people. I've had 7 children, that is painful and a narcotic like *** is not given for childbirth. How dare this Eversen D.O. presume that as an elderly female I was to be ignored. Patients have no rights, no matter what federal laws are passed for patient rights, in hospitals, but doctors do as they damn well please to you putting poisons you do not want by force into you. Hospitals kill people, are probably worse to be confined in than prisons.

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Category: Doctor

Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Cindy from Minot I AGREE 100 PERCENT the comment regarding VA Hospitals, CBOCS etc all hospital for that matter should post the picture off all doctors. We do not want Lenka Stankovas in MINOT and hanging the pictures allowing Veterans to put names to faces would help with that. The best doctors get the most bookings the worst doctors get fired. WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE hanging pictures of all doctors will SAVE LIVES. As far as MINOT goes it needs to work on appointments the wait time can be frustrating.

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