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One of the Other Individuals Rating Mr. Englerth

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I mean no disrespect, but if you call a man's p*nis a "one eyed monster," I'm not so sure it's gonna help you get friends or a significant other. And I'm not sure that saying ppl you don't agree with should be r*ped will help either.

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James, you should have shoved your one eyed monster up this kids poop ...

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One of the People Rating Mr. James Englerth

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I can't tell if you're the same kid who made most of the posts (because your story seems similar), but this particular review seems respectful, nuanced, and fair.

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He is so kind and wants to support kids but is biased. For instance, I...

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Category: Ranter

One of the Individuals Bullying One of the Kids Who Rated Mr. Englerth

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I'd like you to meet someone with Down Syndrome. That person will probably offer you more love in a day than you'll give--or get--in your lifetime (if you continue being this hateful).

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So you hate entire demographics of people--even intellectually and dev...

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Category: Person

Person Rating Kid Who Rated Mr. Englerth

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Please stop claiming that I am going to shoot up a public space. I have no history of mental illness, so there is no way I would “snap” and commit violence. Mind you, I have no interest in owning even a BB gun—let alone one of the assault rifles that people use to keep shooting up schools. It’s disgusting that school shootings are such a common occurrence in the U.S. that schools are actually constructed with the threat of a mass shooting in mind. If you want to learn how to prevent these horrible events, I recommend We Say #NeverAgain: Reporting by the Parkland Student Journalists. It provides insight in how to support victims of these events as well as ways to get involved in activism to prevent shootings. Please stop trolling random people on the internet, and spend your time on something more constructive; God knows our great country needs people to care about issues like these.

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Category: Ranter

One of the Individuals Bullying One of the Kids Who Rated Mr. Englerth

Rating: 3 out of 5.

no one said hate you illiterate tard

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So you hate entire demographics of people--even intellectually and dev...

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Category: Ranter & Hater

One of the Individuals Bullying One of the Kids Who Rated Mr. Englerth

Rating: 1 out of 5.

So you hate entire demographics of people--even intellectually and developmentally disabled people? Unfortunately, no one is surprised...

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I think she is trans or a tranny. Either way, she is retarded and ugly...

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Category: Guidance Counselor Who Needs To Be Counseled

Mr. Englerth

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Honestly, your entire situation sounds absolutely awful, so I don't want blame you for anything...but still, let this be a cautionary tale to others. "Guidance" counselor is often a misnomer for these people when it comes to anything non-academic. (And for some, like Mr. Englerth, also when it comes to academics.) They love it when you confide in them about difficult stuff because then, if you see any success, they can feel like the hero who saved you. However, rarely are they genuinely helpful. I had Mr. Englerth. The man's been in the job for over twenty years--the only useful thing he can do is tell you what kind of SAT/grades (and in some cases, extracurriculars) most colleges are looking for...which Naviance can honestly just as easily tell you. I don't think he has the best understanding of what a lot of elite colleges are looking for (for me, he couldn't explain how to boost my chances at Cornell or Brown)--which is one of the few specialized pieces of info you would expect someone in his position to have. Or maybe, he just really hated me and didn't want me to have a chance at those schools. I ended up not applying to either because he advised against it. :( And what's worse, he legitimately misadvised kids about which colleges would be a "good fit." He assumed U of R would "potentially re-ignite mental health issues" because he's heard "kids are very focused on GPA and stuff there." I completely had the grades and scores for the school--and probably the personal essay too--I now regret trusting his advice. Moreover, I don't have mental issues--I was just in a narcissistic relationship that created circumstantial stress and led me to believe *I* was "the insane one." (I'm past it now. :) ) Honestly, no disrespect to the guy, but I need to be blunt. He's in a throwaway job! (And still failing at it.) He's so much better at "guidance" on the basketball court, so honestly, he should probably just focus on that. Please don't confide any personal stuff to him unless there's absolutely no choice; as much as it seems like I'm challenging him in this review, I acknowledge he's a kind man and genuinely wants to help kids. Unfortunately, he's not the most capable at that. And in general, I don't know that most guidance counselors are much better advice givers (when it doesn't come to academics). Sure, they're probably better at helping kids get into the colleges of their choice and less...presumptive in their academic advice. I've heard Mendon has some of the best ones (other than Mr. Englerth)...and I know so many kids who have had issues with every single one of the counselors at Mendon. Moral: never confide personal stuff to a guidance counselor--unless it's really, really good stuff that could *never* be used against *anyone* and could help them write a better rec letter.

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Assuming I can't handle advanced classes or regulate my mental health ...

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Category: Person

Person Rating Kid Who Rated Mr. Englerth

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Okay, I can't believe you have so much beef with a kid who seems weird but actually makes cogent claims about Mr. Englerth. She was crass, but it doesn't warrant you telling her to unalive herself. That's the most vile and immature way to respond with a person you disagree with. Then, when that other kid constantly rants about how Ms. McGarrity is the scum of the earth simply because she's a woman who carries some extra weight, you leave them alone. Unbelievable. Get a hobby!

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Category: Response To Person Rating Kid Who Reciewed Guidance Counselor Who Needs To Be Counseled

Mr. James Englerth, Pittsford Mendon High School, 472 Mendon Road, Pittsford, NY 14534

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Hi, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I posted the same review three times to make minor improvements. Having listened to my wonderful English teachers, I understand that revision is an important part of the writing process. Humans are never infallible. Furthermore, Taco Bell is one of the best valued, high quality fast food restaurants, and I would be honored to work there, so thank you for thinking that I could! :) But please stop being so classist that you equate someone’s capability with their salary. Examine your prejudices. As I have mentioned, humans are infallible—so neither are you. :)

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Category: Guidance Counselor Who Needs To Be Counseled

Mr. James Englerth, Pittsford Mendon High School, 472 Mendon Road, Pittsford, NY 14534

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Some reviewers are hurling super inappropriate remarks at Mr. Englerth; other reviewers are sharing (hopefully authentic) personal experiences, and others are bashing people simply for critiquing him. I can confirm that he is not "pompous" or malicious or any of these horrible adjectives that the haters in the first camp are throwing at him. However, the people saying he discouraged them from their ambitions might have a point. I do not think they're "snowflakes who should work at Taco Bell," as some people in the last group I described are saying. I, for one, was advised not to enter several AP classes, even though my teachers recommended me for them, and now, I really regret listening to Mr. Englerth. AP Lang, APUSH, and AP Lit could have taken my writing skills to another level. Not to mention, they would have improved my college application. Not saying they would have gotten me into friggin' NYU or the like, but they would've helped with admissions to other mid-to-high tier colleges and scholarships. Which matter. Obviously, it is ultimately my fault for placing too much trust in one guy, but his job literally is guidance, and in my case, he did not guide me properly. Super kind though. He seems pretty humble, so if people would stop trolling him, he might actually hear them out and become a better guidance counselor. Just my opinion. :)

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