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Molly Cain, Govcity GlassHeel Sumo, Dallas, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I would like to present several facts about Molly Cain. 1. She is a sexist male basher and has hundreds of documented blogs, posts, and tweets proving it. 2.While she preaches feminism, girl power, and men are evil she lives off a trust fund given to her by a man. 3. She is always making supportive comments about poor black and brown people and about racccist white people. Molly is white, and her family owned slaves and her Dad and Grandfather employed illegal aliens and paid them pennies. Her family's trust was build on racism and taking advantage of minorities.That's where her money comes from. 4. She was fired from most of her jobs where she spent most of time filing sexual harassment and discrimination cases against her coworkers. That's why so many of them have come forward and posted on this site and others.

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Category: Molly Cain

GovCity, GlassHeel, Sumo Ventures, Epigen, Comerica, DHS, IRS, Yoga Instructor Claiming Sexual Harassment

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Wow. Molly Cain. I haven't heard that name in awhile. Basically ever since she was fired and run out of the Dallas DEC and Capital Factory. I'm surprised to hear she works at the IRS. Math and numbers in general were never her forte. I always thought she was better suited to be an elementary teacher or receptionist. She likes to talk. I recall that her ex-husband and his family worked for Dept of State. That and the IRS are always competing for the most corrupt worthless government agency. I suppose it makes sense Molly would end up there harassing real businessmen and entreprenuers to squeeze taxes out of them. If you can't be successful on your own, I suppose scamming 30% off the top of other peoples' income is as good as it gets. I hope she never returns to Dallas.

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Category: Venture Capital

Molly Cain, GovCity Epigen Technology, Washington DC, DC

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Molly Cain recently fired from Epigen Technology is a white privileged, entitled kkkunt that thinks just because she promotes hatred against white males that she is somehow doing something with her marginal life. Guess what, her white Dad pays for everything. She married a white male that quickly divorced her. Epigen Technology fired her. Shes had more jobs in in the past 10 years than a dirty rat has fleas. Govcity, Glassheel, Chief Advisor are unpaid jobs at fake companies. Forbes is an unpaid job. Fake resume, fake hair, fake eye lashes, fake teeth, fake face, fake life.

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Category: Investor Scam

Gabriella Zielke, Tech Wildcatters, Rowlett, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Gabriella Zielke fired Molly Cain and Clarisa Lindenmeyer from Tech Wildcatters for cause. Molly Cain of GovCity, GlassHeel, and now the IRS. Molly is so awesome and such a visionary that she works with all of the best entrepreneurs and the creative minds at the IRS. That's where the most imaginative and successful business people work...the IRS. Lol. Clarisa Lindenmeyer of Power to Proximity and now on Staff at Gig Wage working for her lover, Craig Lewis. That's right, she's working for Craig. Get you some, girl. Just kidding. That's one of the reasons you were fired...for your *** with Craig during work. Old habits are hard to break. To better yourself, read The Sound of Creation.

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Category: Financial Advisor

Sumo Ventures, Alexander Muse, Molly Cain, 2115 Farrington Street, Dallas, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This is a fake VC firm. They don't have a fund. Venture Partners Alex Muse and Molly Cain are liars wasting everyone's time. My lawyer uncovered their lawsuits and fraud. No Dallas law firm we spoke with had anything good to say about Sumo, Alex, or Molly. Roberts Foster, VelaWood, Beckman, Haynes Boone all told us to be cautious before doing business with them.

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Category: Molly Cain

Molly Cain, IRS, GovCity, Capital Factory, Dallas, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Ask Hubert Zacek at Health Wildcatters what he thinks about Molly Cain. He can't stand her and laughed when she was fired and run out of the dallas startup community like the little troll she is.

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Category: John Reed

Tech Wildcatters and Azalea Ventures, Dallas, Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Fired Molly Cain for violations of ethics and company code of conduct. Then she accused him of being a sexist and discrimination. She started spreading rumors that he harassed her at work. John is like a saint. so professional. he never did any of those things. Either way, she was fired, cried like a baby, and had to be manhandled out of the office. She came back, trespassed, and was drunk. Made a huge scene and trashed her office. Molly Cain of GlassHeel, GovCity, Sumo Ventures, and Deputy Director of the IRS. 5 feet tall, 150 pounds, fake blonde hair, fake eye lashes, fake lips, fake resume, and a fake personality. What a loser.

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Category: Mentor

John Reed, Azalea Ventures, Dallas, TX

Rating: 5 out of 5.

John flushed Molly Cain like a bloated turd out of Tech Wildcatters. He got tired of her crying in the office and screaming at Clarisa, Gabriella, and Stephanie. Then there was the time she got drunk and cursed out the interns. That's why John took the intern program away from Molly. Eventually, John took Molly's job away from her. Molly Cain lied on her resume and lied about all of the jobs she was fired from. She ended up where all flushed turds end up...at the IRS. That's right, the bimbo that can't add or work a computer works at the IRS. Molly Cain, the feminist male hating short, chubby fake bleach blonde from GlassHeel and Govcity is the associate director of enterprise digitalization. Don't worry though, John Reed really screwed her over mentally and emotionally.

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Category: IRS

Molly Cain, Associate director of enterprise digitalization

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She is the same molly that was fired from tech wildcatters, comerica bank, and zielke investments. Her boss Gabriella thought so much of Molly's skills, that she fired her. That's right. Fired and cursed out. Molly cried like the backstabber she is. She was using Gabriella to pump up her side gigs with glassheel and govcity. Both flopped. Molly is now an employee of the IRS. Perfect place for this friendless, husbandless, barren, cold hearted male basher. I'm sure she'll leave a wake of sexual harassment claims and allegations of sexism there just like she did everywhere else, including Epigen and comerica. No one will touch her in Texas. Not even capital factory. She is like a cancer to any organization.

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Divorced for being a pos cheating ***e. The same Molly Cain that lied ...

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Category: Molly Cain

GovCity, GlassHeel, Sumo Ventures, Epigen, Comerica, DHS, IRS, Yoga Instructor Claiming Hostile Harassment

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Benji slammed her big, fat hairy melon of a snatch and bukkakeed on her ugly downsyndrome face. Molly Cain. Deputy Director, IRS Internal Revenue Service. She likes it dirty and jewish.

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