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Me Before You

Rating: 4 out of 5.

I love the movie and the story line. The development of the characters and their romance is amazing. The only bad part is the sad ending :(

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Category: Doctor

Lenka Stankova

Rating: 1 out of 5.

My name's is James. Hi everyone one. I am new to this site. I can see most of you have had dealings with LENKA STANKOVA. You can include me in that group to unfortunately. Lenka stankova didn't show up at my appointment either. I to think she hates people but not just people I think she hates veterans just ask she has destroyed alot of lives. Most Veterans feel powerless as they can not afford to go to the outside and get a real doctor. Ask them they will tell you. I to Agee as I felt I was practiced on I thought then what I still think today no one can be this bad a doctor and be a legit doctor. I was wrong. I also agree with most Veterans the VA does not get quality we are a stop over for most doctors before retirement the last stop or buying time until doctors get good enough to start there own practice. You will not get any disagreement out if me. I agree with all of you. I agree with everyone. She's awful. She will ruin your life. Her subs never give you all the facts because if they did you would walk and they don't want that thus stealing your healthcare choice. Her subs never discuss alternatives to being cut on it all the side effects you might have again because the only thing the care about is getting the surgery at all cost in my opinion She did not show up in clinic not why I was in the hospital not after the surgery when I kept falling down and had trouble getting to the bathroom she was no we're to be found. I have never met her EVER. I could not point her out if she was standing two feet in front of me. You should be able to meet you doctor always especially someone who is going to cut in you not at the Dallas VA. The VA allows this. HOLT allows this bad practice even condones it I also agree with many of your assessments as being known by the name butcher, hacker, and the diablo the rest I had not heard but does not surprise me one bit. She likes to cut on people butcher and hack on them but she does not like to be seen because most people would see her as the fraud she is. I agree also with the assessment she will leave you worse off when she's done with you but you folks already knew that. I found out to late to be saved from this doctor. The Dallas VA allows this as a matter of policy. The management HOLT is his name I think it's ok that you don't meet and can not judge the character of the doctors by allow you to ask questions and look the person who is about to cut in you in the eye. I agree with each and everyone if you. Your assessments if this doctor do not differ my my own.

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Category: Doctor

George toledo, Dallas, TX, 75225

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Dr. Toledo is a wonderful surgeon who cares deeply about his patients. Sounds like something you would look for right? Well I thought so too, but after losing Everything because of an upset and obsessed doctor I’ll think again. Where should I begin? Well he operated on me and I became very close to him and his staff. I even referred him business. I felt apart of his family. Well until a member of it lied and betrayed me because they were ashamed of something that’s not my fault. This was so long ago and you would think they would be over it. No ! Anytime they get a chance to mess with me they will. They are so concerned about everyone’s crimes and wrong doing ( Eryn the former office manager) isn’t it a crime to stalk and harass a dying person? Well typically I would feel intimidated to share my truth but Santa ? Gave me the gift of gab. He gave me a birdie that gave me strength and lots of information that validates everything I knew. So here’s my gift to you . ‘‘Twas the night before Christmas ? and all through the house. Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. There were no stockings hung on the chimney, no one who cared because the Toledo family wasn’t together finally someone who dared to share. Merry Christmas to all and let’s close this chapter good night.

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Category: Doctor

Dr (Kristappa) Sangavaram, 303 Molnar Drive, Elmwood Park, NJ, 07407

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Dr Kristappa Sangavaram, MD double charged me $1,000. He charged me and my medical insurance company for the same injection of a steroid. Sometimes he uses the last name "Sangdidram", other times he uses the last name "Sangavarian" and other times he uses the last name "Sangavaram". He told me not to tell the other anesthesiologists but I did and I told the insurance company. Even his ex-partner told me "I know what Dr Sangavaram did to you...I know the story" and that's why he was told to leave and he had to go to a smaller place and he makes less money thanks to me because I told everyone. I spoke to him and he didn't know I told on him and he started trash talking his previous partners. In a way I won because he ended up earning much less money because I told everybody. Always report when physicians do that to you- it happens all the time and never pay a medical bill in this country because all those bills are fraudulent. I know because I worked in the medical field. Don't go to Dr Kristappa Sangavaram because besides that he doesn't do anything that will help you. He's strictly just works with botox and steroid blockers. He will try to shame you if you take pain meds. He calls your family members and gossips to your family members about you before he bills you. Remember: Always report these doctors to every appropriate agency and always name and shame them. This happens all the time in the United States. Only in 11 US states is it not permitted for a physician to over-bill you. In all the other 39 US states they are allowed but you must not pay it. I told you I worked in the medical field in this country.

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Category: Teacher

Juliana Mosi, Boca Raton FL

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She was a very mean teacher and she would always yell at her students. One time, I needed help on a question and she said “How do you not know this?” in an angry voice which made me feel very uncomfortable. It also made me feel stupid since I couldn’t understand what she was teaching. Another time, I got the right answer to a question but I did a a different way and she was mad which made me feel really upset. If you ever get Ms. Mosi as a teacher, please switch out immediately before she starts yelling at you and making you do 6 IXLs a week.

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Category: Doctor


Rating: 1 out of 5.

A man comes into my shop yesterday. I should say young man he still had all his hair and complained about the noise under his hood of his cutlass when he turned left and right. My first thought was this guys has taste and oldie but a goodie. I told the kid to pop his hood and lets take a look. My second thought was the power steering pump the hose had a leak BONE DRY. My 3rd thought was surprised he could turn at all. My final thought was this guy is an IDIOT and how much of a stankova this guy is to not check is fluids and how unsafe it must have been to drive like that. My father taught me to check the fluids in the station wagon when i was like 9 years old and I taught both of my kids to check the fluids at a very early age. My daughter still checks the fluids and shes 35. To all you Gen Z stankovas out there who got rich during covid or dumb during covid POP the hood of your car please, pull the dipstick and check the oil, and the power steering fluid regularly. While your under there check the water in the radiator and the windshield wiper fluid and tire pressure before you put us old people in danger. Stop being a stankova, grow up, get your acts together and stop blaming your parents for everything thats wrong in your life. Henry - MI

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Category: Career Criminal At Divine Mercy Catholic Church

Susan Calamba, 611 DARNELL DR, MESQUITE TX 75149

Rating: 1 out of 5.

My friends just show me how to look at Susan’s criminal record online. Oh my. Its so bad. I can not believe it. I did not know what to believe before, but now I know Susan is a crook just like Olive and Mel. You don’t get sued so many times if you are a good person. You don’t get lien and lien against you if you are a good person. Susan is being sued right now by the state of Texas in Dallas court. Before that, she got in trouble and got liens from Mesquite, Sunnyvale, Dallas County, and the school district. She owes so many people money for cheating them. My goodness. She has been doing this for over 20 years now. I know she will try to deny it but its all at the Dallas records office. Everything is signed by judges and officials. I do not want to associate with bad people like her. Look it up. CC-22-02544-A, 201600113861, 9920904247, 783632, DC0200223 and so much more. I am showing these to the Priest.

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Category: Dewntist

howard chasolen, wood street

Rating: 1 out of 5.

“Follow-up After Talking With A Former Worker “ Dear Dr. Chasolen. As you know with all the discussions that we had, hopefully you can understand of my long and odious dental journey that you help put me on , and surly you knew that I had the expense of a total cost to me- starting from the university's cost for $14,000.00 plus Dr. Mish's cost of $11,800.00 and the $37,595.00 to your office ,and to date I have not a single red cent of receiving anything in workmanship nor any money back from you. plus the new cost of $27,000.00 for me to completely start all over again with another dentist, and yet another dentist to correct all of the mistakes at a cost of $29,000.00 so now with a grand total cost of $119,395.00 In all to me. I can not conceive how you must feel, of you departing an 81 year old veteran of $37,595.00 and stalling this case of my going back and forth to your office for two years, and aprox.30 visits at 80 miles per. visit -totaling over 2,500 miles and in very early morning travel (6:00 Am and on several return trips in heavy 5:00 Pm traffic as well) I think in all fairness, I was concerned of you having to pay a fee to the lab in California that you used. -and I offered to sign an affidavit to them in stating that the ten times that they could not get their work right, and that we were not going to accept the unit- as I didn't want them to charge you for the shoddy work that they were doing-time after time, and you said not to worry- as it's being sent back to them, and that they would then realize that you would not be charged at all for it, so instead you were able to keep all the money that I paid to you. I recently met a former worker of yours at the mall and I was told that all your office workers really felt bad for what you were putting me through- and how awful for what you did. I am asking at this time- in all fairness- again- if you would honor a financial adjustment for me ,as if I received a total completion of the work that you started- and if you didn't receive any money – I am sure it would not be fair to you- if you successfully completed my case, and not being paid, you would not like it. You did offer me any models , molds or anything that I may have needed for a new dentist, but I was told that dentist don't really want to use other dentist plans and case items. Please give me a call, an email- or perhaps to meet, and as I mentioned before "that I don't have sour grapes with you" and would be pleased to meet with you if you prefer. I would like to make mention of the $7,000.00 implant cost of Dr. Scott's implant crown- plus the initial cost for you to remove the crown ,as the lab could not line up their work with it, and in all fairness it was damaged at your office by your assistant that chipped it while trying to remove the temp. “Surprising for the two years of my treatments at your office ( you probably worked on my case for about 3 solid hours if any” And that is why it was a total failure, as you did not show any interest for the very complicated case that you stated -when you made me make payment of the $37,595.00 in full long before any work was ever done. You stated to me that it would be better if we removed that $7,000.00 crown to make the lab do their work with less effort, But you charged me $3,000.00 to remove the crown that was chipped at your neglect to removing the temp. unit correctly in the first place. and in closing I did spend an awful lot of unnecessary money- "and I thank God" for not having that additional cost when you sent me to your friend Dr. Ferris- who wanted a ridiculous amount of money for an unnecessary gum graft- and for the sum of $20,900.00- and Dr. Mish laughed and said that I did not need any such gum graft, and the cost to me from your friend Dr. Ferris to tell me of that,- was an additional charge to me for $200.00 Respectfully . Ray Romeo

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Category: Doctor


Rating: 1 out of 5.

I visit Dr. Melissa Belardo's office. You make an appointment with her and it's someone else who takes care of you. Since May I have had a room for a colonoscopy and endoscopy and they assigned me to Dr. Aharoni and they canceled it 5 days before, why did they give He realizes that the doctor will not be there that day doing procedures. They are super irresponsible and are not interested in the patients' lost time. Both in the office and at work for us patients. And the only thing they know how to say is sorry. With a sorry, I know it solves nothing. They are the worst gastroenterologist I have been able to find at Adventh Health

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Category: Doctor

Dallas VA

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Was at the Dallas VA the other day for a physical a therapy app appointment on the 2nd floor were my appointment got messed up. Its not the first time an appointment has gotten messed up at the Dallas Va hospital just ask any veteran a failure of leadership Steven Holt causes this to happen on a regular occurrence. No consequences. I had driven a very long way, showed her my list and the young lady apologized asked me to sit and worked the phones, talked to some people multi tasked like i had not seen before and was able to fix the issue and get me seen. Thank You for going above and beyond I sincerely hope you are the future but as a new veteran i know the good ones never stay. The best I could give you was 5 stars and a sincere thanks

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