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Ms. Melissa Julian, Pittsford Mendon High School, Pittsford, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Hey, hey, Melly J., how many kids did you censor today?

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Ms. Melissa Julian, Pittsford Mendon High School, Pittsford, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Apparently, Ms. Julian used to be an English teacher. Now, she writes bland, monotonous speeches and censors kids whenever they try to note a serious problem at Pittsford such as racism or bigotry. Her old self would be so proud of her today. [sigh]

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Ms. Melissa Julian, Pittsford Mendon High School, Pittsford, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Ms. Julian is so paranoid over students speaking or writing about racism at Pittsford. The behavior is strange--it's almost as if she has a hidden history of racism or is downright afraid of people of color.

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Category: Assistant Principal

Ms. Laura Hefner, Pittsford Mendon High School

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I respectfully disagree. Ms. Hefner was awesome when I went. She was strict when needed but also always incredibly patient and kind. She used to be a principal at an alternative high school where kids went who couldn't function well at other high schools. I think she definitely knows how to manage a school. Also, I think your category is a misnomer because she lives by plenty of principles! :)

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Caring soul--but her microaggressions are becoming too much.

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Category: Assistant Principal With No Principles

Ms. Laura Hefner, Pittsford Mendon High School

Rating: 4 out of 5.

When an adult calls out a sixteen year old who behaves like a zoo animal, it's viewed as bada*s, but when a sixteen year old attacks a fifty year old who behaves like a zoo animal, people think they're "in a hormonal teenage angst."

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She's got all the right attributes. Patient, but to a point. She's at ...

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Ms. Julian, Mendon High

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Her cell phone policy allows the school to give kids a mental health referrals (for “addiction”) if teachers catch them using their phones at the wrong time. This policy normalizes “mental illness” and “addiction” to an extent that the terms lose their meaning, undermining the trauma of students who have experience with genuine mental illness and/or addiction. She also claims to care about racial justice. At assemblies, she warns that Mendon does not tolerate racism. However, her history of silencing victims of racism reveals…something else. She is not helping students of color to feel safe at school, which is a major problem in a district where a student threatened to shoot people—simply due to their black skin.

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Category: Guidance Counselor Who Needs To Be Counseled

Mr. James Englerth, Pittsford Mendon High School, 472 Mendon Road, Pittsford, NY 14534

Rating: 1 out of 5.

He truly cares about students but lacks the risk-taking ability and empathy to help them. He needs to realize that some kids have large ambitions and are willing to work hard to accomplish them. Those students simply need help working towards their aspirations--not someone telling them to think more "on the safe side." In case you see this, Mr. Englerth, this remark is not a hate comment; I really want you to reach your potential as a guidance counselor and use the amazing heart inside you. Your wall has "Be yourself" with a butterfly. Rather than supporting your version of what a student should be, support a student as they are. Let them soar like a butterfly to the college, career, and life of their dreams. You have what it takes. Use it!

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Category: Assistant Principal

Ms. Laura Hefner, Pittsford Mendon High School

Rating: 5 out of 5.

They sure do! She's amazing. And I know what kid you're talking about. That was just the result of miscommunication; the assistant principals weren't trying to be hateful!

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A lot of kids love her. I heard ONE kid who had an issue with her, but...

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Category: Assistant Principal

Ms. Laura Hefner, Pittsford Mendon High School

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Agreed. She's not perfect, but she's about as close as you can get for an assistant principal!

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A lot of kids love her. I heard ONE kid who had an issue with her, but...

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Category: Assistant Principal

Ms. Laura Hefner, Pittsford Mendon High School

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Idk who you are, but thank you for calling out these trolls. They're definitely frustrating, but don't let them get to you. When they call the literal Director of Special Education ableist, they reveal what clowns they are. Let them keep on talking if they choose. Their true colors will be more and more obvious to everyone who reads the site.

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Agreed. She's not transphobic, and she's certainly not ableist. She's ...

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