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Anthony Mullholland, College of Southern Nevada, Las Vegas, NV

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Did not actually instruct or teach me how to do anything. He had no real lesson's planned out and only lectured for half an hour at best. Belittled me in front of the entire class and also refused to admit that he lost my paper which I handed in. Would never recommend someone take his class.

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Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Malina Dravis-Tucker, College of Southern Nevada, Las Vegas, NV

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Do not take her class, she will make everything as hard as she possibly can. She is never willing to help a student out. For a teacher who is teaching a another language I would think you would want to help the students out and to help them understand you. NO, she is the worst teacher.

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ACC 135, Western Nevada College, Carson City, NV

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Kim Sadowski is very unorganized, she contradicts the book we use (the book coincides with the on line homework), She keeps pushing us faster than is necessary, she keeps changing the syllabus and pushing test dates up so that we aren't ready. She "reprimanded" the class because we did poorly on the tests (as if we were in high school), saying we weren't pending enough time on the homework (when many of us were spending 6 or more hours a day on homework). She has been corrected more than once by different students. She is not a good college teacher.

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Category: Doctor

D. David Ezeanolue, M.D., 1701Bearden, Las Vegas, NV

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Dear Dr. EZ and Kind Staff: My account was been turned over to collections last week because I was billed (and rightly so) for injections that took place after my insurance had run out. I was not told this. Now I owe the office upwards of $1000 which I am willing to work on with monthly payments. However, the woman I dealt with in your collections was not the most accommodating person. I tried to work with her but all I can afford is $50 a month. I'm on a strict budget, I am HIV+ and on medications and all the costs that entails, and I also see other doctors for that medical condition as well as have expensive blood work 3 times a year. So now I have to find a new pain doctor all because she (collection agent) refused to work with me. This pains me because I thoroughly enjoyed coming into your office and seeing people who I now consider my friends because they are so caring. I find it so hard and sad to think that I won't be coming back under my Health Plan of Nevada because of the actions of one woman. I will miss seeing the nice, professional people in the office who took such great care of me---not only my pain but always asked about my HIV status and genuinely cared. It's very, very sad to me to have to locate another pain office as Dr. EZ and his staff were always so kind and helpful. In the future, I will definitely recommend APEX but not after recounting this horrible experience with one collection agent in your office. So sadly and with a heavy heart, I say goodbye to APEX and my wonderful "family" of medical professionals there. Sincerely, Rick Grayson 702-376-9016 (DOB 11/10/1964)

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Category: Boss

Sonyita Johnsom, Nevada Hand, Las Vegas, NV

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Unprofessional, unorganized, no attention to detail. Sloppy, ghetto, jealous.

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Category: Boss

Grant Leingang, BLVCK DIVMOND, Las Vegas, NV, 89130

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Hello. ? I’m Rebecca and I’ve worked a few times for Mr. Leingang. I LOVE working with him. He cares so much about everyone other than himself, makes sure the projected estimates are always met, and is always supportive during frustrating times. He’s one of the only men I’ve worked for who doesn’t yell, but rather talks it out so everyone is happy. I really enjoy his company and time. Thanks Me. Leingang!

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Category: Boss

Grant Leingang, BLVCK DIVMOND, Las Vegas, NV, 89130

Rating: 5 out of 5.

My name is Vanessa and I work for Grant. Grant is one the kindest people I’ve ever worked for, very understanding, intelligent and never goes back on his word. Out of all the people I’ve worked for, Grant is my favorite.

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Category: Doctor

Kenneth Izoura, Las vegas, NV

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Can’t even see this Dr, due to the office staff being COMPLETE IDIOTS! They tell me to leave my number so when my referral comes in they will call me, 2 1/2 weeks I’ve been trying to check on my referral and nobody has called me, I finally talk to an office staff and they tell me he’s booked until January but if I have my primary dr put urgent on my referral they will get me in sooner, so I get ahold of my primary dr and she resends my referral and still no call from Dr Izouras office saying they received my referral so I call again and what do you know there’s my referral so the girl on the phone says hold on let me check what The soonest available appointment is, and I then tell her my Dr put urgent on the referral like the other office staff told me to do and she then places me on hold. After 19 minutes on hold the line disconnected, I wait a few minutes for a call back and nothing!!!! So I have to call again and push all these different numbers to get back in the wait line for someone to pick up the phone and after 12 minutes someone answered and said she has nothing and that the front office had to override and see if they can get me in before January, she says I will get a call within 48 hrs so here I’m assuming I’m going to have to wait forever or call them back again myself but low and behold I got a call back within 10 minutes with sorry but we can’t get you in until January!!!!!!!! WTF why tell me to have my primary put urgent if you can’t doing a *** thing about it!!! So pissed, wasted 2-3 weeks waiting to get seen for nothing, could have been referred to another dr and been seen by now!!!?

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Category: Doctor

joel lubritz, 3201 maryland pkwy, las vegas, NV, 89109

Rating: 5 out of 5.

allowed me to be a part of the exam and diagnosis so I could see and understand his evaluation and treatment plan.

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