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Eastern washington university, WA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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Gail Hicks, Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Bad teacher and a horrible person. Forces her students to share against their will. Loves her power. Treats her pets well and everyone else badly.

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Rating: 3 out of 5.

Rate DR Hoo Ha Hwang, MD, PhD

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carl root, eastern kentucky university, richmond, KY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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jimin ding, washington university in st.louis, saint louis, MO

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Category: Teacher

Mouat, Washington, Parkland, WA

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Shannah has nice boobies. And she likes to show those puppies off! Can't wait for the next PTA meeting!

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Category: Restaurant

8 Restaurant, Muckleshoot Casino, Auburn, WA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

the worst spider rolls in Washington. They used hot Chinese rice instead of cold Japanese rice, absolutely killed the flavor and turned it into a hot Chinese mess. the server took her 'lunch' disappeared, did not tell us she was leaving, we sat at the table waiting for 15 minutes before I grabbed a different server, we were presented our bill, no opportunity to have desert.. but whatever you do avoid any of the so-called rolls.. not good!

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Category: Teacher

Mouat, Washington, Parkland, WA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I *** hate that *** witch she *** *** for money I hope she *** on a *** and dies

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Category: Doctor

Gayatri Reddy, Group Heath Capitol Hill, Seattle, WA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Do Not go to Group Health (or as my friends call it Group Death) and Dr. Gayatri Reddy who is one of their oncologist. January 2017, I went to see her from Spokane Washington. Made a special trip, because Group Health told me I needed to see one of their doctors before I could be referred on to a cancer research center. So my wife and i made the trip. Dr. Reddy came in, and asked "Why are you here to see me?" I told her I have a tumor on my kidney, I wanted a second opinion as to how to treat this." Her response? "Well, there is nothing I can do." I asked if she has reviewed my records. "Yes. The type of cancer you have, we cannot treat, so there is nothing I can do." (now I'm thinking, if you KNEW this, why didn't you call us so we did not have to make the trip over, book a room...) She then told me the best thing to do for a second opinion would be to see a GH Urologist. Okay, I said, could you help us get in to see one while we are in town for two days? Her reply was simple. "No. Any other questions?" My jaw dropped. I've lost one kidney to cancer. I'm really trying to keep the second one.. and this bed side manner SUCKED. When I said, no more questions, she got up thanked us for coming and left. a 4 - 5 minute exam. She did nothing. Oh, but Group Health was quick to bill me their $450. I'm a Group Health Member. For now. Please people if you have an appointment with Dr. Gayatri Reddy, CANCEL IT. There are good doctors out there, but NOT at Group Health Capitol Hill.

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Category: Boss

Tarsi Hall, City University of Seattle, Seattle, WA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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