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Rating: 3 out of 5.

Rate DR Hoo Ha Hwang, MD, PhD

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Category: Doctor

Gayatri Reddy, Group Heath Capitol Hill, Seattle, WA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Do Not go to Group Health (or as my friends call it Group Death) and Dr. Gayatri Reddy who is one of their oncologist. January 2017, I went to see her from Spokane Washington. Made a special trip, because Group Health told me I needed to see one of their doctors before I could be referred on to a cancer research center. So my wife and i made the trip. Dr. Reddy came in, and asked "Why are you here to see me?" I told her I have a tumor on my kidney, I wanted a second opinion as to how to treat this." Her response? "Well, there is nothing I can do." I asked if she has reviewed my records. "Yes. The type of cancer you have, we cannot treat, so there is nothing I can do." (now I'm thinking, if you KNEW this, why didn't you call us so we did not have to make the trip over, book a room...) She then told me the best thing to do for a second opinion would be to see a GH Urologist. Okay, I said, could you help us get in to see one while we are in town for two days? Her reply was simple. "No. Any other questions?" My jaw dropped. I've lost one kidney to cancer. I'm really trying to keep the second one.. and this bed side manner SUCKED. When I said, no more questions, she got up thanked us for coming and left. a 4 - 5 minute exam. She did nothing. Oh, but Group Health was quick to bill me their $450. I'm a Group Health Member. For now. Please people if you have an appointment with Dr. Gayatri Reddy, CANCEL IT. There are good doctors out there, but NOT at Group Health Capitol Hill.

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Category: Boss

Tarsi Hall, City University of Seattle, Seattle, WA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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Category: Boss

Tarsi Hall, City University of Seattle, Seattle, WA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She is a demeaning, condescending person who wants to shine in front of the leadership in order to climb the corporate ladder. She lacks the experience and knowledge of her basic tools of the trade and as such frequently makes decisions that are incorrect. Even people who she did not manage were expressed their concern working with her. When she talks to other people, she likes to keep reminding them for no reason that she is their supervisor so that she can feel superior. Dealing with outside vendors/contractors, she is frequently using humiliating tone of voice with inappropriate choice of words to express her dissatisfaction with their work. She excuses herself by saying that she is a "direct person" thinking this gives her the right treating others based on her mood swings. She has only managed three people at the university in two years, but all three of them left her after eight months for they could not stand her demeaning personality. She forgets about work requests sent to her three months back, and when she is questioned about it, she finds an excuse blaming the person who supposed to complete the work. If this wasn't enough, she posts materials on her Facebook account expressing that she admires bossy women, and thanks her family for bossing her around while she was growing up. Nice! She is one of those individuals who smiles through her teeth, but stabs you in the back the first opportunity she gets. That's how she enjoys being in the center of attention feeling superior. If you ever come across working with her, I recommend using your phone's voice recorder to record all conversations that takes place during meetings, and also forwarding all email correspondence to your personal mail - in case you need proof in the future.

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Eastern washington university, WA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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Gail Hicks, Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Bad teacher and a horrible person. Forces her students to share against their will. Loves her power. Treats her pets well and everyone else badly.

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Category: Doctor

Jan Shen MD PhD, 5010State Highway30, Amsterdam, NY

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Shout out to Dr. Shen MD I was referred to him after 2yrs. of Pain Management& NO Results. The Dr. found my problem , I scheduled Surgery, I received excellent services I was well taken care of , the Dr. explained everything to me so I understood the procedure to be done. The Dr. & stall were so professional, I felt like I was family. Where do you get a physician call you at home to ask how things are going, and to call him if there are any problems. I will be forever greatfull to Dr. Shen, I can now walk without pain and enjoy life. Again Dr. Shen thenk you for everything and your staff as well. God Bless

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Category: Doctor

Sean Toomey, Seattle, WA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I had a hip replacement done by Dr. Toomey about a year ago . The surgey went well but a visiting nurse noticed something on on the incision a and after Dr. Toomey looked at it on a phone camera he said it was my bursa, and never did look at the incision itself. His Associate looked at it and also s said it was mybursa. I then became very ill because it was a serious infection and I wa I was in several hospitals for many months to get rid of of it. I still have pain and must use a walker at all times. I am sure Dr. Toomey was aware of what was going on but has never contacteted me. I am in Assisted Living and now believe I can never walk again with ithouithout

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Category: Doctor

Michael Lim, Baltimore, MD

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr. Michael Lim operated on a benign meningioma near my brain stem in Jan 2012. I wrote before, but hit the wrong key and it was posted prematurely. I did much research and Dr. Lim answered my myriad of questions before and after surgery. A PHd nurse friend of mine recommended him to me. I am located in Philadelphia, PA and made the decision to go to Baltimore for the surgery. I no longer have electric facial pain. I am a 69 year old female and am active in sports. The operation was 6 hrs in a difficult location at the base of my brain. I could have lost my vision, hearing, balance, and had facial droop and speech problems. I did not. I am deeply grateful to Dr. Lim for saving my life. One other thing--Dr. Lim operates on Tuesdays; the schedule was full for many weeks. He took my case and operated on a 24 hour notice when the operating room was available on a Friday. He had a busy work week, surgeries on his regular operating day, and continued to help me by operating again at the end of a week. There couldn't have been a more positive outcome. Thank you!

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Towson University, Dr. Darlene Fewstet, Towson, MD

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr. FEWSTER is the most professional and knowledgeable professor that I have had. Her class is interesting, challenging, and one that will definitely prepare me to be an educator. She genuinely wants her students to succeed and helps to make that happen. I learned a lot from her and enjoyed her class. She genuinely cares about her students. I wish she taught more classes in my major. Loved her!

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