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Troll Rating Kid (Who Rated Mr. Englerth)

Rating: 1 out of 5.

you're right. Walmart doesn't have time to spew vitriol at entire races of people. they are too busy trying to maximize profits lol

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"spitting on white people"--why the f*ck would Walmart do th...

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Category: Ranter & Hater

Troll Rating Kid (Who Rated Mr. Englerth)

Rating: 1 out of 5.

"spitting on white people"--why the f*ck would Walmart do that when most of their customers are low-income-to-middle-class white ppl?

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The kid is doing great. Finally figured out its gender. Waiting for co...

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Category: Person

Troll Rating Kid (Who Rated Mr. Englerth)

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Btw gave you a five-star rating because you're that "good" at trolling. You're still acting like a one-star human though.

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"spitting on white people"--so you're a r*cist too? Like wit...

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Category: Person

Troll Rating Kid (Who Rated Mr. Englerth)

Rating: 5 out of 5.

"spitting on white people"--so you're a r*cist too? Like with the McGarrity kid, no one is surprised...:(

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The kid is doing great. Finally figured out its gender. Waiting for co...

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Category: Person

Kid Who Rated Mr. Englerth

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Interesting...correct me if I'm wrong, but basically, you want to shame a kid based on their age and perceived political affiliation? I could do the same for you. I could call you a pathetic internet troll who has no friends outside QAnon and insurrectionists. A guy who pretends to "support family values" but will probably abandon his wife for a crossdresser in the first month and not tell her until you're three grown kids and thirty years in.

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The kid is doing great. Finally figured out its gender. Waiting for co...

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Category: Individual

Person Rating Kid Who Rated Mr. Englerth

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Is that how retarded is spelled? Honestly, you probably shouldn't use ableist slurs in the first place, but if you're going to be a bigot, at least get your facts straight.

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Category: Individual

Person Rating Kid Who Rated Mr. Englerth

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Okay, say what you want about this kid's posts, but say that you want to force her to perform oral s3x? That's r9pe. I hope you keep these urges in your head and do not use them to threaten and harm people.

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Category: Person

Person Rating Kid Who Rated Mr. Englerth

Rating: 1 out of 5.

If you hate her content so much, respond rationally, or get the heck off this site.

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Category: Person

Person Rating Kid Who Rated Mr. Englerth

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Seriously, you tell a random kid to take her own life because you thought she was a bit mean--on a site almost no one reads anyway? Can you sink any lower? Grow up! You're being ten times more immature than this rude kid is.

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Category: Person

Person Rating Kid Who Rated Mr. Englerth

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Sure, this kid was hard on the guy, but she wasn't hating on him. Some of her posts are actually reasonable. If you want to complain about her, stop being so cruel yourself--it seems so hypocritical.

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