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Barrington Harvey, James madison high school, Nyc, NY, 11234

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Worse *** teacher ever i always put my camera on and give out answers I think is right and when I was wrong he publicly embarrassed me saying that I'm a no life and a bunch of other stuff. I wish I caught that on video because that would be more them enough evidence to report him

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Timothy Harvey, Southeast Polk Jr High, Pleasant Hill, IA, no

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I am worried to Ben from Townsend my teachers care about one thing themselves all this zoom schooling I have watched my grades fall farther and farther behind. I am waiting for another excuse by our great leaders as to why we can not go back to school. Blasio is terrible middle name is probably STANKOVA him and the GOV are only out for themselves and not for the children of NY.

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Timothy Harvey, Southeast Polk Jr High, Pleasant Hill, IA, no

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I am an idiot and now I am going to be a bigger IDIOT thank you teachers for caring only about yourself. Thank you to a useless school board and gov who could just order them to go back if you take federal dollars you have to reopen. I get it FOX is right make us kids stupid so we learn nothing have no useful skills so we are dependent 100 percent on the gov. Not me my parents are going to transfer me or I am leaving home. The teachers in my state would rather teach illegals then teach people who are born within the state. As a kid I am royal upset. Hell I will wear a mask all day every day if they would just OPEN THE SCHOOLS ALL OF THEM. The kids deserve it. A shot a college not with our current leaders in charge.

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Category: Guidance Counselor Who Needs To Be Counseled

Mr. James Englerth, Pittsford Mendon High School, 472 Mendon Road, Pittsford, NY 14534

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Nyu is a state university. If you are struggling to get in there then you are going to need a whole lot more than a few AP courses. All the while I thought this kid was trying to get into a top notch University like Stanford or the ivy League. Nope. Just trying to get into a good old state university. How sad is that

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Category: Guidance Counselor Who Needs To Be Counseled

Mr. James Englerth, Pittsford Mendon High School, 472 Mendon Road, Pittsford, NY 14534

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Best counselor in the state.

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Category: Guidance Counselor Who Needs To Be Counseled

Mr. James Englerth, Pittsford Mendon High School, 472 Mendon Road, Pittsford, NY 14534

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Let me rephrase. Mr. Englerth is a realist. Obviously, this is a problem for dreamers and potheads...and the people no one imagines anything of who COULD grow to accomplish the things no one can imagine.

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Category: Guidance Counselor Who Needs To Be Counseled

Mr. James Englerth, Pittsford Mendon High School, 472 Mendon Road, Pittsford, NY 14534

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Mr. Englerth knows you and didn't say you are smart.

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Category: Guidance Counselor Who Needs To Be Counseled

Mr. James Englerth, Pittsford Mendon High School, 472 Mendon Road, Pittsford, NY 14534

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I am going to stand up for Mr. Englerth. He is good at his job and enjoys helping students. The person writing the negative reviews about him is well known in the school. He is an unachiever with a serious attitude problem. Mr. Englerth has spent hours trying to help this individual. Mr. Englerth is not to blame for this person's shortcomings and failures. Take responsibility for your own actions and inadequacies. Don't blame others.

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Category: Guidance Counselor Who Needs To Be Counseled

Mr. James Englerth, Pittsford Mendon High School, 472 Mendon Road, Pittsford, NY 14534

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I love it when the kids that don't know their gender or how to dress show up with their crappy grades and blank extracurricular resume and think they are going to get a scholarship. For the record, masturbating is not a sport and no one cares about how you should get extra SAT points because you are sad. You confused little freaks

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Category: Guidance Counselor Who Needs To Be Counseled

Mr. James Englerth, Pittsford Mendon High School, 472 Mendon Road, Pittsford, NY 14534

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I wish I was not naive enough to listen to his advice.

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