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Becky, no se

Rating: 1 out of 5.

es noob

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Tyee, 13630 SE Allen Rd Bellevue WA.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I got an A in Mr. Martinez class, but I had to work. I learned quite a lot. The problem with Mr. Martinez, is that he is honest. There is no way to play dome and earn a good grade with him, as we do in other classes.

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Señor León, DCHS, Georgetown

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Excellent teacher, strict like no one, but he always applies fairness even to those who don’t deserve it. I had him for Spanish 1-3.

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ms mcgarrity, is187, new york, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

gurl pays the school to let her in and her *** probably broke the bathroom tiles, took ate and left no crumbs liteartly when she went to mcdonalds, probably consumes her students when she has the chance 😭😭

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ms mcgarrity, is187, new york, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Reminder that none of the words she saids to you and the way she is overly strict and disciplinary isn't relevant to real life in any way. She is a sad human being that projects her own problems onto poor 12 and 13 year olds. If she yells at you, don't take it personally, please, I took it personally for many years and needlessly suffered over nothing. Just remember that she is a NPC bot who is upset about her own lack of control of her life, so she powertrips to control little kids. She has no one, not even the fiance she claims (a lie she's been saying for over a decade). So just feel pity for this sad human being. Don't take anything personally. Nothing you do is your fault, just be yourself and never let her dictate your own worth. Remember you can always report her to Mrs. Sadiki if she does something unfair to your grade. Then report her again once she becomes passive aggressive to you afterwards for reporting her. It doesn't matter, just mention how she bullies kids and wrecks their self esteem.

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Category: Doctor

Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Le gusta decirle al mexicano de Pleasant Grove que todos sabemos quien nos odio. No dejaria que mis hijos se acercaran a Lenka Stankova

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Category: Restaurant

Mc Donalds, 5613 se 82nd, portland, 97266

Rating: 1 out of 5.

The experience I had with some restaurant employees was really terrible. Breakfast is supposed to start serving at 4 but I went to pick up an order at 3:30 and they refused to serve it.When I asked the boy why? If breakfast starts at 4, one girl aswer me very rude and disrespectful, YELLING that I had to move and cancel the order (I'm Uber) I told her to calm down, stop yelling me, those weren't manners to talk to a costumer, and I asked her for a complaint form. She told me go to window. After waiting for almost half an hour, another girl came out and gave me Uber cancellation number. I asked for the claim sheet and she told me they didn't have it, she turned her back on me and left. When I asked for the manager, a Latin Lady told me that it was her, I asked her for her employee id and she told that she didn't have one, the manager wasn't there. Another Latin boy replied "the manager had more important things to do than take care of you ". And finally a very young looking american white boy (or girl) came out without id, saying that it was named Mikey, who was the manager, and could not give me the name of the disrespectful employee, He / she TREATED ME TERRIBLE, and asked me to leave ... La experiencia que tuve con algunos empleados del restaurante fue realmente terrible. Se supone que el desayuno comienza a servirse a las 4, pero fui a recoger un pedido regular a las 3:30 y se negaron a servirlo. Cuando le pregunté al chico el por qué? Si el desayuno comienza a las 4, una chica me responde muy grosera e irrespetuosa, GRITANDO que tenía que moverme y cancelar la orden (soy Uber) Le dije que se calmara, que dejara de gritarme, que esos no eran modales para hablarle a un cliente, y le pedí una hoja de reclamaciones. Ella me dijo que fuera a la ventana. Después de esperar casi media hora, salió otra chica y me dio el número de cancelación de Uber. Le pedí la hoja de reclamo y me dijo que no la tenían, me dio la espalda y se fue. Cuando pregunté por el gerente, una Señora de apariencia latina me dijo que era ella en tono de burla, le pregunté por su identificación de empleado y me dijo que no tenía, y que el gerente no estaba. Otro chico latino respondió que el gerente tenía cosas más importantes que hacer que atenderme a mí. Y finalmente un chico (o chica) blanc@ american@ de aspecto muy joven salió sin identificación, diciendo que se llamaba Mikey, que era el gerente, y que no podía darme el nombre del empleado irrespetuoso, e igualmente ME TRATÓ TERRIBLE y me pidió que me fuera ...

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Category: Restaurant

Popeyes, 2337 Green st, Tampa, FL, 33607

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Decepcionada con la atención que tienen ahora yo tengo 20 años siendo cliente de este Popeyes y es la primera vez que me siento asi tan triste y decepcionada ya es la 4 vez que me tratan mal en este local necesita un cambio de personal solo hay una señora mayor que atiende bien el resto no sirven están de adorno?

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Category: Doctor

Louise Diehl, Phillipsburg, NJ

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She is a total witch with no regard to the patients' needs whatsoever. You might as well go to your local Eclinic to avoid her mood swings. Se is a poor caregiver to say the utmost lease....

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Becky Collins, Park Forest Elementary, State College, PA, 16803

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Becky Collins is cold towards the kids. She is impatient and rude. My kids are scared to go to their Library Special.

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