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Dina pomeranz, School of the future, New York, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She ***

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ms mcgarrity, is187, new york, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Ms Mcgarrity, I had her as my teacher about 15 years ago I cannot believe that obese *** is still employed. The amount of time this greasy fat hoe mentions her "fiance"& how she is "Queen of the Click" is an abomination to society.. she power trips to middle schoolers. She's a real piece of *** & lives in her deluded imagination of reality. She does not even have a fiance that she claims to have. Apparently she's been telling students for more than decade about her "fiance/husband".. Yeah ok lol. This *** is not real. She is a mythical creature that isn't human - she has oil in her veins instead of blood & her skin is fabricated from rat poison like the nasty *** that she is. Even if she does get what she deserves which is to get by a school bus, her big back would probably destroy it with all the children inside bc that's what she does, she feeds upon kids' souls so that she can keep her Ursula looking plate cleaner archetype in its purest form. There's a special place in hell for Ms Mcgarrity

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ms mcgarrity, is187, new york, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This nigalaistic whale hippopotamus fata** never gets out of her chair which her *** is glued into by her big mac sauce and *** heat. When she's a substitute teacher instead of her coming to the room WE'RE in, WE have to go into her room cuz this *** can't even stand up. Whenever there's a teacher's meeting she can't even go to the meeting so she gets a special excuse to do it from Zoom. She also uses Zoom for any assembly she needs to go to. Fire drills are her absolute nightmare, as she has to use all her blubbery energy to get up and roll down the stairs and out to the front of the school. Whenever she goes home (I've never seen her get up to go home anyway), she has to have the U.S. cargo airliners come with military cargo helicopters to use straps the size of parachutes to wrap around her so they can lift her home.

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ms mcgarrity, is187, new york, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I was struggling with undiagnosed autism, depression, anxiety and a lot more going into middle school. Instead of encouraging me and helping me succeed, she made me feel embarrassed and disappointed in myself for trying and sometimes failing. Whenever I made a small mistake or tried to learn, she would shut me down and make me look like an idiot. I want to say this was an isolated incident, but everyone around me had the same experiences. Unless you were her 'favorite', in which case she would shower you with attention and gifts, she was awful to you.

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Mrs Marini, NY Fostertown school, New york

Rating: 1 out of 5.


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ms.mcgarrity, is187, new york, NY

Rating: 3 out of 5.

I must admit that you have a point. Being "oversensitive" is not a real state of being. Some are naturally more sensitive; others are naturally less sensitive, and no one's sensitivity level inherently makes them a better or worse person. That's why, in my opinion, "oversensitive" and "undersensitive" are not true traits. Do you know what does determine someone's morality though? How they *react* to others. When someone accuses a person of being oversensitive, they sometimes are getting at a very genuine problem: a person behaving irrationally. Namely, they usually mean that the "oversensitive" person complains about minutia rather than prioritizing more important issues--or that the person is simply being unfair in their criticism. I hate to tell you, but based on your rampant reviewing of Ms. McGarrity, it seems you take out quite a bit of anger on her for unfair reasons such as her giving you bad grades or her weight. That said, I do not like that she called you oversensitive because like I explained, there is no such thing as being "too sensitive." You probably will not be able to stop being sensitive, which--unlike Mrs. McGarrity would like to believe--is totally okay! :) However, you can change how you respond to negative influences in your life...including Ms. McGarrity. You can stop incessantly going on about people's perceived flaws, and you know what? People will probably take your criticism more seriously. When you write a logical review about Ms. McGarrity's unfairness, a review that doesn't shame her for her weight or how it must be her fault you got a bad grade--you will start to have real influence over people. If Ms. McGarrity really is a bully and incapable of teaching, your school's administrators may see your terrible-but-legitimate review and think, "Wow, we don't want her around our kids anymore. Let's fire her." So please try to use more logic--or risk continuing to make yourself look like a weak, entitled kid.

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She accused me of being oversensitive. What??? I can't believe she wou...

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ms mcgarrity, is187, new york, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She pretty much bullied me a few years ago when I was in middle school. I am in college now. I reported her to Mr. Berman but nothing was really done. It's funny how she just absolutely rips apart an 11 year old kid for simply writing an email slightly wrong (as if an 11 year old kid knows how to write professional emails). I have forgiven her in my heart but I still want to make this statement. No teacher in my life has caused the amount of psychological suffering that she has inflicted onto me. This post was made on 10.12.2021

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ms mcgarrity, is187, new york, NY

Rating: 3 out of 5.

she is so big boned that she grew bones in her belly that make her belly look big and round. Its all bones.

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Reminder that none of the words she saids to you and the way she is ov...

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ms.mcgarrity, is187, new york, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Yes, you try to be nice inside but it’s not really working, sorry. You don’t understand how many times I cried during remote learning and back to school learning. You talk way too fast, expect me to just soak it in, and can’t explain it. You also are a hypocrite. You say you’re happy to explain but I asked you before and you asked why didn’t you pay attention. Most instructions are unclear. You post a lot of things on google classroom which half we don’t do. These confuse me on which to do. Missing a class causes pain.

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Category: Doctor

keith raskin, 317 east 34 st, new york, NY

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr. Raskin is the One!! last feb,. my then 14 year-old boy started to have pain in his right wrist, with no obvious injury, and with rest, pain med, he did not get any better but worse. after second mri in july, he was diagnosed with kienbock's disease and was put in cast. we were graciously recommended by our dr. to look for a more experienced surgeon for this condition. so from then and there, my family started a very long, hard and draining journey for a trustworthy surgeon to operate on my son for this rare but serious condition, esp. in a teenager. we covered pretty much all the renowned pediatric orthopedic facility on the east coast, including boston children's hospital, children's hospital of philadelphia, hss in nyc, and met with top pediatric orthopedics. unfortunately, each dr. had his own understanding of the condition and no two came up with the same surgery plan and none sounded even close to being assuring for his own plan. at one point we were told to go back and wait till the condition got worse enough for the very aggressive surgery at the next level. meanwhile my son, a very athletic kid and a competitive baseball player, was wearing the case from elbow down ( from the diagnosis in july till surgery in dec). frustration, exhaustion, desperation, helplessness, financial burden, missing school....all that doesnot even begin to describe what we went through.... untill in nov., right before thanksgiving, i was sitting in front of my computer, having exhausted all resources and feeling desperate, not knowing where to go next, when i got a phone call from dr. raskin's office that changed everything!! in no time, i found myself sitting with my son and dr. raskin in his office, settling down on his least aggressive, most assuring and convincing surgery plan with best postoperative prospect. dr. raskin, is god-sent!! he is very kind, patient, personable, understanding, warm. his office feels like a living room at a friend's house, very relaxing and welcoming. his assistant and staffs are very patient and attentive. above all this, dr. raskin is proved to be and stays as an experienced, top-notch surgeon in his field. in april this year, four months after the surgery, my son was cleared for sports and nowadays, he is pitching and in-fielding for baseball and dunking on basketball court. my family cant never thank dr. raskin enough!! we recommend him highly and without any reservation.

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