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Dr. Eldredge, Louisiana Staye University at Eunice, 225 LSUE Campus Dr

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Easy to reach, easy to understand. Nice guy. Overall good experience in this course.

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Dr. Eldredge, Louisiana Staye University at Eunice, 225 LSUE Campus Dr

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Such a great teacher and great person knows how to give constructive criticism in the best fashion and understanding with the tough schedule that athletes go through very flexible teacher probably one of the best on campus

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Dr. Eldredge, Louisiana Staye University at Eunice, Eunice, LA 70535 United States

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Great teacher, really funny and down to earth.

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Dr susan hamilton, University of Tennessee at Martin, Martin tennessee

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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skylar gremillion, louisiana state university, baton rouge, 70803

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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kelly clark, louisiana state university, baton rouge, 70803

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Katie Salo, Mount Carmel highschool, San Diego, CA, 92129

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I hope all district employee see this because this is exactly who you shouldn’t be hiring I cannot believe an assistant principal would allow the slander of somebody’s name to happen on a campus and allow people to talk down on his name when he is not there unbelievable we are supposed to have trust in our system principles but I guess not I hope this gets attention drawn to it and I hope you find somebody new that can take that place because it is so unbelievable to hear that Somebody was racially profile and what is called a rapist at school and nobody did I think about it unbelievable that is so not OK if you are a assistant principal you are supposed to have rules more people do not get bullied they do not get to speak down upon they do not get profiled I am just at a loss for words that is so fucked up and I cannot believe that an assistant principalA person that everyone supposed to trust allow this to happen on their campus not only allowed it but sat there and did nothing about it I am a student that goes to Mount Carmel and what they did was they told everyone to not do it again because that made it better because I got told not to do it again really that’s that’s all you have to say unbelievable please draw attention to this

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Category: Dewntist

howard chasolen, wood street

Rating: 1 out of 5.

“Follow-up After Talking With A Former Worker “ Dear Dr. Chasolen. As you know with all the discussions that we had, hopefully you can understand of my long and odious dental journey that you help put me on , and surly you knew that I had the expense of a total cost to me- starting from the university's cost for $14,000.00 plus Dr. Mish's cost of $11,800.00 and the $37,595.00 to your office ,and to date I have not a single red cent of receiving anything in workmanship nor any money back from you. plus the new cost of $27,000.00 for me to completely start all over again with another dentist, and yet another dentist to correct all of the mistakes at a cost of $29,000.00 so now with a grand total cost of $119,395.00 In all to me. I can not conceive how you must feel, of you departing an 81 year old veteran of $37,595.00 and stalling this case of my going back and forth to your office for two years, and aprox.30 visits at 80 miles per. visit -totaling over 2,500 miles and in very early morning travel (6:00 Am and on several return trips in heavy 5:00 Pm traffic as well) I think in all fairness, I was concerned of you having to pay a fee to the lab in California that you used. -and I offered to sign an affidavit to them in stating that the ten times that they could not get their work right, and that we were not going to accept the unit- as I didn't want them to charge you for the shoddy work that they were doing-time after time, and you said not to worry- as it's being sent back to them, and that they would then realize that you would not be charged at all for it, so instead you were able to keep all the money that I paid to you. I recently met a former worker of yours at the mall and I was told that all your office workers really felt bad for what you were putting me through- and how awful for what you did. I am asking at this time- in all fairness- again- if you would honor a financial adjustment for me ,as if I received a total completion of the work that you started- and if you didn't receive any money – I am sure it would not be fair to you- if you successfully completed my case, and not being paid, you would not like it. You did offer me any models , molds or anything that I may have needed for a new dentist, but I was told that dentist don't really want to use other dentist plans and case items. Please give me a call, an email- or perhaps to meet, and as I mentioned before "that I don't have sour grapes with you" and would be pleased to meet with you if you prefer. I would like to make mention of the $7,000.00 implant cost of Dr. Scott's implant crown- plus the initial cost for you to remove the crown ,as the lab could not line up their work with it, and in all fairness it was damaged at your office by your assistant that chipped it while trying to remove the temp. “Surprising for the two years of my treatments at your office ( you probably worked on my case for about 3 solid hours if any” And that is why it was a total failure, as you did not show any interest for the very complicated case that you stated -when you made me make payment of the $37,595.00 in full long before any work was ever done. You stated to me that it would be better if we removed that $7,000.00 crown to make the lab do their work with less effort, But you charged me $3,000.00 to remove the crown that was chipped at your neglect to removing the temp. unit correctly in the first place. and in closing I did spend an awful lot of unnecessary money- "and I thank God" for not having that additional cost when you sent me to your friend Dr. Ferris- who wanted a ridiculous amount of money for an unnecessary gum graft- and for the sum of $20,900.00- and Dr. Mish laughed and said that I did not need any such gum graft, and the cost to me from your friend Dr. Ferris to tell me of that,- was an additional charge to me for $200.00 Respectfully . Ray Romeo

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Category: Professor

Dr. Alyeen Lazar, National University, San Diego County, CA

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr. Lazar, What a true gift to the university students. She was attentive, sharp, gave fantastic examples and tested our knowledge at every turn to build our confidence to receive my Master's in Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in MFT

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Category: Professor

Dr Caroline Kingori, Ohio University, ATHENS, OH

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr Kingori is a very helpful professor. she's good at what she does. she has a way in which she help student improve their skills and also bring the best in them. she gives detailed explanation in each of her lectures.

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