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eileen donlon, 10.school street.smithtown

Rating: 1 out of 5.

1 Unfair math teacher. Does.not explain the work. Miss steps. Fails students. Tries to get students out of her class. She is hypocritical.

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smithtown east, 10.school streer

Rating: 1 out of 5.

1 Worst math teacher ever experienced. Unfair and cruel. Leaves crucial steps out of work, goes too fast and doesnt care that the students do not understand. Does not slow down because has to quickly get the work over with.

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Mrs. Ryan, Accompsett Middle School, Smithtown, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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Mrs. Hennes, Great Hollow Middle School, Smithtown, NY

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Doesn’t wash her hair and always eats fast food restaurants

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Rhonda Walter, West Chatham Elementary, Pooler, GA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Based on an eyewitness account of a class of 10 years olds, a General Curriculum paraprofessional by the name of Rhonda Walter threatened to write up my son because he called on the middle name of another student who asked that he not call him... hardly grounds for a write up. When my husband and father of our 11 year old approached her about it, her behavior was offensive and condescending. She walked away from him during the conversation, even closing the door to his face. She spoke to him as if he was beneath her and when the two met with the School Principal, she denied any wrongdoing.Our son was chastised and properly disciplined for calling the other student by his middle name after being asked not to do so, but she's a perfect example of why parental involvement is vital. The screening process for hiring educators need to be intensified. She was all into her personal feelings and clearly did not demonstrate sound judgement as a professional.

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Mr Easterling, Ok, Ok

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I met Mr Easterling 3 years ago he was a horrible old man always harassing students telling us to stop dilly dallying in front of his house and to get to class saying kids on street corners bring down housing values calling us stankovas. Mr Easterling had the hearing of a bat always listening to everything and everyone that crossed his path while pretending to be napping on his porch. My friends and I were talking about the Romeo Juliet assignment given out he came unglued, hysterical begin yelling at us for not being passionate about it. He told us everything you do in life you do it with passion or dont bother passion is what separates the winners from the losers he would say. I told him I lost my book and to shut up old man, no one cares about a play where people spoke funny a play that has lasted over 400 years he said. Mr Easterling gave me a new book he had purchased the next time I passed then yelled at us to be passionate about school and to get to class. I believe Mr Easterling is why I didn't drop out, behind all that yelling were actually words of wisdom.

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Damon, Palos verdes high school, Palos verdes estates, CA, 90275

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She is a coldhearted woman. She has no remorse for her students and does not care about their well-being or their grade and honestly does not want them to do well in her class. She will not take your accommodations and she will not care about any of your personal or emotional issues. Every single one of her students is so extremely discouraged by her and I have never heard a good word. She leaves no room for improvement for herself though students have tried. She treats her normal classes like AP classes and gives them the same workload with no credit for AP. Thank God I don’t have her anymore I would’ve literally switched schools. I asked my counselor on multiple occasions to do anything to get me out and they wouldn’t. She is so extremely unreasonable and gives 10 minutes for students to complete 30 problems that take a long time to comprehend. She grades so harshly and so extreme that it’s almost unfair, and I’ve never felt more discouraged by a teacher in my life. I don’t know how she is still a teacher she made my mental health suffer so much, I hope that she gets fired and the school sees her issues. She is terrible to her students and the work is absolutely ridiculous.

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Catherine Piscone, Manalapan High School, Manalapan, NJ, 07726

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She is ver rude, and very inconsiderate. Im just convinced at this point she just hates students. She rushes you to get class work done, and she literally gave me 15 minutes to watch 2 10 minute videos and write notes on both of them. And when you can’t finish the work because she does not give you enough time, she actually gas the audacity to get angry and nasty with you. Shes just an unpleasant woman to have around.

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Ms. Metcalf, Battle Ground High School, Battleground, WA

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She is the worst teacher I have ever had. If you are ever put in one of her classes, get out as soon as possible! She gives out book quizzes once a week on 10 chapters. The quizzes are nearly impossible to score well on. Nobody in the class has over a C right now. Stay away from this teacher! I am warning you.

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Andrew Morenberg, Old field Middle School, Long Island, NY

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Mr.Morenberg is a very good teacher! He is strict yet funny. I don't know why but he collects rubber ducks. He has 467 right now. He's bald. One important rule in his class is to DO YOUR HW!!! If you don't you get 5-10 points of on your average for that subject. I think thats kinda fair, better that having the teacher call home. Thats what they did at my elementary school. Either call home or they make a note home:l......well if theres anyone thats thinking of going to this school you should definentally ask to have Morenberg. P.S:he's a 6th grade teacher.

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