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Ellen Gray, Mount View, Thorndike, ME

Rating: 4 out of 5.

she’s a teacher at my school

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Ellen Anderson, Harriton High School, Radnor, PA, 19010

Rating: 1 out of 5.

The absolute worst. Wanted to di3 every time I entered the classroom. Biggest control freak— doesn't let you go to the bathroom, told me to fix the way I was seated, etc. Assignments made no sense and did not learn anything. Do NOT take her class.

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Beth Burnam, Dumbarton Middle School, Baltimore, MD

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Mrs. Burnam is a bad teacher. First of all, in class I did exactly what she told me to do which was draw a model of my house from a birds eye view. I had worked hard on it but I showed it to her and she to told me to redo the whole thing (keep in mid that i only had 4 minuets left in class here) an di ahd to draw my neighbors houses too when she specifically told us that we had to draw our own house and mentioned nothing about the neighbors. Second of all, she told me and my friend to go into her cabinet to find a ruler for us to use. In there i found about a 1 foot stack of ungraded papers that she claims kids had lost. Next, she has no clue about anything she is teaching. She just gives us papers and tells us to do work out of our textbooks and she has us do assignments that have nothing to do with what we'e learning. I saw this girl go up to her with a question and Mrs. Burnam said "well you will learn that when you get into high school" and I knew that she didn't know the answer to it. Lastly, the room is very unorganized. she has random papers floating around the room and she lost a groups culminating event project (luckly they found it) but they had to look for it and Ms. Burnam didn't even feel bad for them. I do not reccomend her.

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Ellen Anderson, Harriton High School, Radnor, PA, 19010

Rating: 5 out of 5.

TO the person that wrote this review. You clearly need to end it all. Go find a high bridge or a tall building and do us all a favor.

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Made me stop believing in God. Her lack of compassion shattered any fa...

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Ellen Anderson, Harriton High School, Radnor, PA, 19010

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Lol nah she’s proof the devil exists.

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Made me stop believing in God. Her lack of compassion shattered any fa...

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Ellen Anderson, Harriton High School, Radnor, PA, 19010

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Made me stop believing in God. Her lack of compassion shattered any faith I had in humanity, let alone a higher power.

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Ms Mak, 65th street 12 ave ny brooklyn

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Ms. Mak is one of the best teachers at 187. On Halloween, she gave us lollipops and let us play on Blooket!! (Which is the best school game btw). She really likes boba. Her favorite flavor is Earl Gray, 50% sugar. One of my classmates really likes her and even ask me (kinda) to ask her when her bday is so she could give her boba. Ms. Mak teaches math really well. We do have to copy a lots of notes, but it still fine.

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Ms. McGarrity, I.S.187, Brooklyn, NY, 11219

Rating: 1 out of 5.

As a current HS student, I've realized how much Ms. McGarrity has truly screwed me over. I had her during online classes and she was an absolute nightmare, to say the least. No 12 year old child should have to be constantly told that they are "stupid" or berated daily like how she did to me and my peers. As a technology teacher, she should've known that there would be many technical errors when it came to online learning and that it isn't her students' fault. Instead, she would guilt trip us into thinking it was our fault... I truly wouldn't wish anyone to have her as their teacher and I feel sorry for whoever has had her. It's surprising that she still has her job, I'm honestly not sure why considering what an awful person she is to her students.

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Ellen Anderson, Harriton High School, Radnor, PA, 19010

Rating: 1 out of 5.


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Category: Uber Experience

5636 UG, Home, Thorndike, ME

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I thought she was taking me home and then we ended up at her place, please don’t tell my parents or my girlfriend. My wife probably shouldn’t know either. Jesus I’m sorry for my sins.

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