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Karen Minor, Saint Thomas More, Lafayette, LA, 70508

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She is a very bad English teacher who does not leave her desk to teach.

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Kara Ehlert, Saint Thomas Academy, Mendota Heights, MN

Rating: 5 out of 5.

She is left handed

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Mr. Donner, Pittsford Mendon High School

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Mr. Donner cares about the subjects he teaches, so it is a shame he doesn't care more about his students. However, he does explain materials well and provides cool ways to remember information. The videos and anecdotes he shares keep you on the edge of your seat! That's why it's such a shame his--how do I put this gracefully--bitter attitude ruins his classes. My friend had a medical emergency and was stuck in the hospital for the first week of school, but she was responsible enough to email him from the hospital. She asked what she missed. He never cared enough to respond! She was stuck in class, confused and left to figure out everything on her own. Throughout the semester, he proceeded to be unkind towards her without reason in many minor and a few major ways. For instance, one day, he placed a test on everyone's desk or handed it to them. At least, he did that for everyone other than one person. For my friend, he hurled the test her way. It missed her desk, but he never apologized. Another time, she asked Mr. Donner if she could go to the bathroom, and he breathed "Yeah" without even making eye contact with her. He even tried to gaslight her into believing a course she did not really need was required...but that's a story for another time. Furthermore, he gaslit me about deadlines, probably forgetting what he had said, and deducted a bunch of points from several assignments I had poured hours into. He would also always call out this one kid during class and even said that they were his least favorite student of all time--in front of everyone. Mr. Donner is one rude dude. For your own good, please try to avoid classes with him, unless you're really talented in the subject he teaches and--to be blunt--know how to be a teacher's pet. To reiterate, Mr. Donner's lectures are outstanding. Any aspect of his teaching that requires compassion...has room for improvement.

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Jamie kay, Hutchinson, La mirada

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Ms.kay is such a great teacher she does a magnificent job at teaching us all the science that we need to know and more and she doesn't let us eat in class but if she catches you eating she will tell us to put away the food but if she catches you again then she will have to give you an consequent.

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ms mcgarrity, is187

Rating: 5 out of 5.

shes literally a whole pack of butter. she jumpscared me, thats how ugly her face look. she is also a karen. not insulting her, just describing her just in case if you do not know what her personality and what she look like

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andrew thomas seycove, sigma street

Rating: 3 out of 5.

This *** doesn’t move for the whole class and I saw him with ms Reid in the back doing the devils tango he also always has to be eating while working the bulk would go crazy

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ms mcgarrity, is187

Rating: 1 out of 5.

she can *** my *** *** how the *** does she pull some guy her husband is probably like nikoavacodo she also built like the great wall of china. shes as dumb as karen smith maybe dumber its like she hit her head on a damn rock, maybe the rock was as fat as her. hope her husband divorces her

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Lynn Zahorak Iroquois community school, desplaines Illionis

Rating: 1 out of 5.


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Michael F. Caiafa Jr., Saint Francis Preporatory, Queens, NY

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Karen Harsche, Jericho high, Jericho, 11753

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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