Average rating of the most matched results:
Lisa Russo, Diablo Valley College, Pleasant hill, CA
Cares about her students, passionate about her job.
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Lisa Falkowitz, Omni Middle Boca Raton Florida
She was a substitute teacher at Omni and she was very rude. She always subbed for my math class and she wouldn’t let us walk through the emergency door. She also yells “Quiet!” to everyone all the time in a very rude way which makes me feel uncomfortable. She also says that everything is against the dress code which is really frustrating and doesn’t make sense. Also when a student asks her a question, she rudely replies to them in a way that they can’t understand. Overall, I think she’s really rude and should treat students with more respect.
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Lisa febus
This is the meanest *** you will ever *** meet, she actively targets me and reports me to the principal every time I do anything even slightly wrong. PLEASE FIRE HER
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Lisa Kawecki, St.Ann, Palm Beach, FL, 33449
THE BEST, she made me actually go to school.
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