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Marc wildfang, Cehealm, Beaverton, OR

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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Mary Delong, Cedar Park, Beaverton, OR

Rating: 4 out of 5.

She’s nice. Not so strict. Anger issues?

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Mr. Dimino I.S 187, 1171, 65th St, Brooklyn, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I cant believe I'm saying this but I deadass miss Ms. McGarrity. Like holy *** 6th and 7th grade me was so ungrateful. Because PLEASE he wont accept *** from anyone. He's sexist, he grades *** in the worst ways possible, and everyone I know is either failing or has an average below a 95. Like pls what happened to having a decent *** technology teacher? He also thinks we're incompetent and we don't know how to make a google search but expects us to memorize every part of a plane. Like no I dont give a *** about what the wing of a plane does and I dont want to use pages on apple. Like that *** is so outdated PLEASE ain't no one uses pages... It's also so hard to use like... why can't we just use google docs...?? Yeah thats the end of my yap session, peace, and to any 6th and 7th graders reading this, be grateful.

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Marc Peters, Cgps, Nyc, NY

Rating: 2 out of 5.

He is totally an unreasonable grader! For example, I had a 93 grade average and for my overall grade I got a B. Personally I prefer a teacher who is looking for me to do better and I feel that he is setting me up to fail. Also, it's not only me he has done this to a number of my friends so that doesn't mean that he specifically doesn't like me.

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Ms. McGarrity, I.S.187, Brooklyn, NY, 11219

Rating: 1 out of 5.

As a current HS student, I've realized how much Ms. McGarrity has truly screwed me over. I had her during online classes and she was an absolute nightmare, to say the least. No 12 year old child should have to be constantly told that they are "stupid" or berated daily like how she did to me and my peers. As a technology teacher, she should've known that there would be many technical errors when it came to online learning and that it isn't her students' fault. Instead, she would guilt trip us into thinking it was our fault... I truly wouldn't wish anyone to have her as their teacher and I feel sorry for whoever has had her. It's surprising that she still has her job, I'm honestly not sure why considering what an awful person she is to her students.

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Ann Saakian, Spanish River, Boca Raton

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She is the rudest art teacher I’ve ever dealt with. I am in her AP Art class and she called all of my work “unoriginal” even though I never seen someone do the same thing as me. She said that she used a plagiarism check but I did not plagiarize anyone. Also, a student made a self portrait of herself and Ms. Saakian said that she blend into the background too much because of her SKEEN calor. She is very problematic and does not treat her students with respect. Please NEVER take AP art or any type of art class that Ms. Saakian teaches. Make sure to switch out immediately, she is a literal snake.

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ms mcgarrity, is187, new york, NY, do i need the adress?

Rating: 1 out of 5.

tbh she’s terrible in terms of helping students. her instructions for assignments & homework lack context. she rushes through lessons. when shes answering certain questions regarding classwork, she either redirects the person asking to ask someone else, tells them to figure it out themselves, or she answers in a way that is unclear.

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Mr Easterling, Ok, Ok

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I met Mr Easterling 3 years ago he was a horrible old man always harassing students telling us to stop dilly dallying in front of his house and to get to class saying kids on street corners bring down housing values calling us stankovas. Mr Easterling had the hearing of a bat always listening to everything and everyone that crossed his path while pretending to be napping on his porch. My friends and I were talking about the Romeo Juliet assignment given out he came unglued, hysterical begin yelling at us for not being passionate about it. He told us everything you do in life you do it with passion or dont bother passion is what separates the winners from the losers he would say. I told him I lost my book and to shut up old man, no one cares about a play where people spoke funny a play that has lasted over 400 years he said. Mr Easterling gave me a new book he had purchased the next time I passed then yelled at us to be passionate about school and to get to class. I believe Mr Easterling is why I didn't drop out, behind all that yelling were actually words of wisdom.

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ms mcgarrity, is187

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This *** can *** my *** *** *** like bro how does this *** faggot even stand up. Also i bet shes the one who orders the entire menu at mcking d's and eat everything instantly. This fat *** has to be dating bad lnds chug or nikocade avocado fr

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ms mcgarrity, is187

Rating: 1 out of 5.

this *** doesnt even answer out questions, she cant get her fat *** up to help us, and when we walk up to our desk she tells us to fuckin sit down. like *** shut the *** up or help at least

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