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4.0 out of 5.



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Wayne Garrett, Marion H.S., Marion, IN

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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Mr. Meredith i.s.187, 1171 65th St

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I wish I could give him a 0 because he is complete trash. I had him last year and when I was in his zoom class he was wearing a stupid *** lookin headset. I puked in my mouth every time I saw him. He is old smelly and ugly. He’s always tryna be cool but he will never be. His work is complete trash and I barely learned anything from it. I have him again this year and I’m scared. H.E.L.P. ?

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Ms. McGarrity, I.S.187

Rating: 1 out of 5.

bro literally rolls her way to school cause her *** definitely never took one step in her entire life

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Aaron nuss, Linn mar, Marion, IA

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Best teacher in NA

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Janine Cappello, H.C Crittenden, Armonk, NY

Rating: 5 out of 5.

She cares deeply for all her students and creates comfortable environment where everyone feels safe to learn and be themselves. She is and amazing person and is one in a million

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Ms. Davis, Northrop high school, Fort wayne, IN

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Rude and blames students for her lack of work

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ms.mcgarrity, is187, new york, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Yes, you try to be nice inside but it’s not really working, sorry. You don’t understand how many times I cried during remote learning and back to school learning. You talk way too fast, expect me to just soak it in, and can’t explain it. You also are a hypocrite. You say you’re happy to explain but I asked you before and you asked why didn’t you pay attention. Most instructions are unclear. You post a lot of things on google classroom which half we don’t do. These confuse me on which to do. Missing a class causes pain.

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Kate Vanderberg, Killearn Lakes Elementary, Tallahassee, 32312

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Mrs. Vanderberg went above and beyond to makes sure my daughter received the support needed to meet and exceed the foundational benchmarks to progress to the next level. She has always expressed love and compassion towards my girl & every student who’s had the joy of knowing her. Which is pivotal, especially during these years. I cannot express the gratitude my husband & I have in our hearts for her dedication to her students. My daughter just finished 4th grade and still chooses to take the route to class where she can go by and greet Mrs. Vanderberg to this day. We are hoping our son will have her next year! Fingers crossed!

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ms mcgarrity, is187, new york, NY, do i need the adress?

Rating: 1 out of 5.

tbh she’s terrible in terms of helping students. her instructions for assignments & homework lack context. she rushes through lessons. when shes answering certain questions regarding classwork, she either redirects the person asking to ask someone else, tells them to figure it out themselves, or she answers in a way that is unclear.

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Ms. McGarrity, 65street 12 avenue is 187

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She doesn't teach well. You can't get directions easily and if you miss one class your screwed. You can't talk to anyone because she will yell at you so once you walk in it's every man for himself. If you do something wrong she will call you up and say how you weren't paying attention. But don't worry, you can just ask her for hel- oh wait you can't ask her anything because she will say how you aren't paying attention, yet she tells you to ask her f you need something. Homeworks are very complicated because its not easy to understand her trash directions in class. Honestly, if a teacher doesn't have the physical capability to get up and help their students, they should not be teaching.

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