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lenka stankova

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I thought the Texas medical board was there to protect the patients from low skilled under par doctors like lenka stankova. Come to find out they are useless a bunch of doctors covering doctors butts when they screw you up. Dont count on the Texas Medical Board to do anything but look at the DOLLAR SIGNS a doctor brings in. THE TEXAS MEDICAL BOARD CARES ABOUT THEMSELVES WATCHES OUT FOR THEMSELVES AND NOT THE PEOPLE OF TEXAS.

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Category: Ear Doctor

Texas Medical Board

Rating: 1 out of 5.

The Texas Medical Board is responsible for lenka STANKOVA an unmitigated disaster. The Texas Medical Board failed you by failing to do there job. I have not decided witch was worse watching covid take family and friends from me or 1 appointment with lenka STANKOVA I learned one thing from lenka stankova. Review ever doctor you see and never trust any doctor as you don't know whose there to help or who has an agenda. Very very few doctors are ever punished because they are REVENUE. The medical board is useless they chalk most incidences up to oh well nobody's perfect

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Category: Doctor

Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I think they should allow pictures posted. I want one of these t-shirts and don't know were to buy it amazon, ebay. I wounder if they have a sweatshirt for the winter? The greatest lie ever told was the devil convincing the world he does not exist on the back Lenka Stankova Dallas VA convincing the medical board she was a worthy of being called a doctor they did not say a good doctor. I speak Spang Lish Spanish English took it in the 6th grade. Arizonians knew she was garbage, Texas patients hate her and the Mexicans will not take there kids to her most would rather kiss a toilet seat then have her as there doctor. I think its what is says i might be incorrect and I dont blame any of them it has to be the white privilege she has to tell us how rich she is. The comments on health grades alone were enough to have me look elsewhere and that was just one single site. I am quite pissed off the govt would even consider wasting our tax payer dollars for this doctor to do anything in medicine. I think I am going to write my congresswoman. Welcome to a brand new world were bad doctors are rewarded Doc Fauci would be proud.

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Category: Doctor

Lenka Stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, 76119

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Everyone please stand. The great doctor Stankova is here. Board certified and at $750k a year, I am medical royalty. Stand when. I enter and bow you losers

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That's correct. She does not care about you. Why? Because you are a fr...

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Category: Doctor


Rating: 1 out of 5.

I would rather be treated by a circus monkey. I would probably get better results. I would probably get my QUESTIONS ANWSERED. I would probably leave with a smile on my face instead of a frown Going to seek out medical board. Some people should be practicing medicine not in Texas or any other state Janice P

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Category: Doctor


Rating: 1 out of 5.

Is the Texas Medical Boards Biggest Mistake. If there is one person who should not be cutting on anyone its Lenka Stankova more suited as a GP then a surgeon.

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Category: Doctor

Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I get it Lenka Stankova is one of those who slipped through the cracks it happens it should not but it does, Lenka Stankova should never have been a doctor Lenka Stankova could not help a patient on her best day protected by the government job with civil service protections witch we all need and want protected by a medical board stacked with doctors who always rule in favor of doctors 95 percent of the time. I also want to know how much of Joe Bidens free college loan given away went to Lenka Stankova or any doctor for that matter. Its disgusting our hard earned tax dollars going to doctors. We all have Lenka Stankovas in our lives. My Lenka Stankova was a dentist a dentist would never intentionally damage your tooth. I say anytime a dentists drills a tooth that didn’t need it he has greatly damaged that tooth. It does not matter if he did it intentionally or from ignorance. He or she has greatly damaged that tooth for the rest of your life as that filling will have to be replaced with ever larger fillings,eventual crowns and possible root canal or extraction. The cost over a lifetime is thousands of dollars per tooth. If that’s not damage, I don’t know what is. I am a veteran of Korean war and not once has the VA ever asked me about my doctor. I have never received a survey on my doctor. I dont know any veteran who ever received a survey pertaining to their doctor. Why? I will tell you why they dont want to know, they don't care about the veteran. I agree Lenka Stankova checks a box a clear Diversity Equity and Inclusion hire. I say send out the surveys on every doctor witch will never happen so you can get honest opinions on the best and the worst doctors aka Lenka Stankova. P Getz Raleigh

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Category: Doctor

Lenka Stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Worked at the VA for years. No doctor ever makes 750 000 year thats a lie 5 PINOCCHIOS most make closer to 250 000 with a bonus in the range of 15 000 even the ones that are truly bad. One of the greatest benefits of doctors who work for the government is they have a huge advantage over other doctors. VA physicians hold a federal license to practice at all VA hospitals. If you want to transfer elsewhere in the country, you can and thats what frequently happens to the bad ones because its a federal job with civil service protections they are just TRANSFERED OUT AND NOT FORCED TO IMPROVE. More than 1,250 VA medical centers are spread throughout all 50 states, U.S. territories, and the Philippines. If your spouse needs to move for their career or you just want a change of scenery, you can move wherever you need to. You’ll keep your pay, seniority, and benefits. This is a considerable advantage when compared to traditional medical licensing. When you work at an ordinary hospital or private practice, your state license doesn’t allow you to practice outside the state—except for some limited restrictions like neighboring states or urgent medical emergencies. If you want to move, you have to go through the licensing process all over again.

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Everyone please stand. The great doctor Stankova is here. Board certif...

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Category: Doctor

Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She does not listen she was on her phone looking around as if she was board. I felt like everything and everyone was more important to her then me. Very bad expereiece. I could not recommend.

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Category: Doctor

Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

In the medical community we call that a real SHPOS!!

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