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As a young person living at home I can not afford to move out. Does anyone hope home prices will fall or see home prices falling? I know my parents want to move on with there life but whats a young person supposed to do get 3 jobs I have 2 leaving me no time for anything and barely enough time to shower and shave my legs.
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Category: Doctor
Lenka Stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119
I thought a virus could not be cured like the cold only lessen the symptoms with a shot less time of work. If this is true why are my tax dollars being wasted on doctor who has no chance of curing covid as its a virus is what my doctor told me. Lenka Stankova sounds like another boondoggle the government can just throw money at the big black hole of wasted money. I would rather my money go to something more productive like feeding or getting all these homeless people off the streets and into housing not 500 a night hotels. Sounds like a better use of my money but who listens to a Denny's worker? No One does.
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As a young person I am worried about never being able to buy a house or attain the American Dream. Yes things seem to be improving not sure if its permanent or temporary but alot of the older generation keep saying we are just in the beginning of storm the tough stuff is down the road. I am not sure who to believe. Will I as a young person ever be able to afford a house in this new economy?
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Category: Teacher
Mr Easterling, Ok, Ok
I met Mr Easterling 3 years ago he was a horrible old man always harassing students telling us to stop dilly dallying in front of his house and to get to class saying kids on street corners bring down housing values calling us stankovas. Mr Easterling had the hearing of a bat always listening to everything and everyone that crossed his path while pretending to be napping on his porch. My friends and I were talking about the Romeo Juliet assignment given out he came unglued, hysterical begin yelling at us for not being passionate about it. He told us everything you do in life you do it with passion or dont bother passion is what separates the winners from the losers he would say. I told him I lost my book and to shut up old man, no one cares about a play where people spoke funny a play that has lasted over 400 years he said. Mr Easterling gave me a new book he had purchased the next time I passed then yelled at us to be passionate about school and to get to class. I believe Mr Easterling is why I didn't drop out, behind all that yelling were actually words of wisdom.
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Category: Politician
Jim Pruitt, Rockwall, Texas
More gas stations, traffic jams, and low income housing. That should be your slogan.
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Category: Politician
Jim Pruitt, Rockwall, Texas
This guy is on a mission to turn Rockwall into South Dallas. Apartments, low income housing, jam packed tiny homes, and as many poor people as you can fit. That makes sense if you are crazy.
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Category: Human
John Hohenshelt, Rowlett, TX
He has run off more good people from this community than common sense at a BLM rally. Keep screwing up our taxes and see what you turn our community into...there will be nothing left but liquor stores, apartments and section 8 housing. BLM central.
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Category: Boss
Mr Bill Daubner, Park Manor, Park Falls, WI, 54552
I worked in laundry for 2+ yrs. Had to work 2 hours free every shift, no lunch no break. Worked this way to care for the elderly residents in the Home. Administration and State knew but nothing was done. With nearly 2 yrs expernce, had $1/hr pay taken. Also had hours shorted tho work load stayed same. Pay went down 1/3 to 1/2. Was living in Subsidized Housing, and tho I proved pay had dropped my RENT WAS STILL RAISED. No assistance from State there either. Was Evicted from rent controlled apartment and got Fired from job - no Unemployment. This is the tip of the iceberg. It was years ago - both my parents had strokes, and my mom had heart trouble. NEITHER ARE IN THIS CARE HOME. Can there be a LOWER 'Rating' than a '1'?
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Category: Teacher
Lenka Stankova, UT SOUTHWESTERN, DALLAS, TX, 75390
i was at the VFW the other day the conversation was high gas prices, higher food prices, out of control immigration and Lenka Stankova. I would like to know how many people she has screwed up, butchered, hacked on. This should be public knowledge. I got enough problems Gout has been a real issue since Vietnam I dont need any more issues.
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Category: Automotive
Discount Tire, Rowlett, TX
Their prices have gone up and their service has gone down. Teach your punk staff how to be courteous and professional. Make some changes soon or I'll take my business elsewhere. Its not like you are the only tire shop around.
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