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Veteran Administration Hospitals

Rating: 1 out of 5.

The watchdog agency, Government Accounting Office (GAO) has called on VA to tighten up its credentialing. GOA’s audit of the agency found multiple instances where veterans received medical services from 57 disqualified providers who were disqualified from providing care to patients. “VHA facilities did not consistently adhere to policies regarding providers with adverse actions,” GAO said in its report. That report was delivered to the House Committee on Veterans *** Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. The report hones in on one massive failure within the agency that has plagued its hiring and credentialing of clinicians for years – – staff responsible for credentialing are not provided mandatory training focused on credentialing. Seems like an obvious issue given the history of problems VA continues to struggle with within its audits and various investigations by the press. FierceHealthcare, a government-centric publication, highlighted a few examples from the report worth noting. In at least five facilities, agency hiring officials were unaware of hiring policies against hiring doctors with revoked or surrendered medical licenses. Underlying admissions for relinquishing one’s licenses were in instances of misconduct, incompetence or providing substandard care. Anyone with these issues is supposed to be precluded from working for VA to provide medical care. In one instance, VA hired a nurse whose license was revoked for patient neglect who later resigned. This issue is not a new problem. Over the years, various news reports have highlighted VA’s struggle to maintain adequate credentialing of its doctors, which is a part of this problem. In some instances, VA would publish false credentials to the public about its own doctors. In one instance, VA reportedly hired a doctor who previously surrendered his license after failing to complete continuing education. Now, continuing education can be very important in areas like stroke treatment or management of atrial fibrillation, for example. In other instances, VA would select unqualified clinicians to provide diagnostic medical services including detection and treatment of veterans seeking benefits following traumatic brain injuries. In 2015, I started working with Kare11 News and AJ Lagoe to uncover instances where my own clients were economically or physically harmed due to this form of negligence. At that time, we uncovered VA used unqualified doctors to diagnose traumatic brain injuries. This investigation uncovered another problem where the agency published false or expired credentials to the public about their doctors – – both problems likely existed for a decade or longer. At the end of the day, the agency does not tightly police its own clinicians to ensure they are appropriately licensed, adequately credentialed, and adequately trained to provide the services they are providing to veterans nationwide. Obviously, the agency failed to address the core problem. The agency fails to hold officials accountable when they fail to select appropriately trained and qualified clinicians to provide medical services to veterans. Apparently, the problem is so prevalent the agency continued to hire unqualified clinicians to provide services to veterans without licenses to provide those services. Who will be held accountable? How many veterans were harmed?

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Category: Doctor

Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I AGREE 1000 percent with the idea the DALLAS VETERANS HOSPITAL should post pictures of ALL the doctors so every single veteran that walks through those doors can see POINT OUT to other veterans whose great who excels and who should not be allowed to walk through the from door as they are that BAD. I came from LACKLAND I have ear issues and I would like to know who the doctor they call the BUTCHER is and believe it would be highly beneficial. Who the doctor they call the HACKER is? Some veterans feel like practice dummies and that should never be the case. Who the doctor they call LOST IN SPACE IS? I want to know who the doctor who makes the HORRENDOUS SCARS on American Soldiers is? We DESERVE a fighting chance at picking a DECENT DOCTOR at the Dallas Veterans Hospital, anything less would be immoral I AGREE WITH THE IDEA and think the VETERANS hospital should post the pictures so those of us who are newly separated will know who to stay as far away as possible? The VA in Dallas should do more to PROTECT us from these doctors and have routine, regular quality checks to make sure the skills they have if any remain top notch as they are operating on American Soldiers. Mediocrity among doctors at the Dallas Veterans Hospital puts us all in DANGER. Maybe one day they will actually care about what happens to us.

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Category: Doctor

Lenka Stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I worked for government for years. The Federal Job is the best job ever. Everyone should run to the Veteran Hospitals and apply It does not surprise me one bit Lenka Stankova got promoted you go girl no accountability, poor job performance, hated by everyone neighbors, colleagues, patients young and old. T shirts that say shes Satans Doctor or asking the 1 000 000 question whose worse Lenka Stankova or Doctor Kevorkian. If she worked for any other part of the government she would be a GS 16 by now. Veterans Hospitals are slow to promote. Get that paper boo! Nobody cares how bad you are, how many tax dollars you waste, how many people you hurt unless you are there doctor You would never be my doctor but I am all for my girl getting that paper. and making it RAIN!.

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Lenka just got promoted at the VA. So much for your fake complaints yo...

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Category: Doctor

Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Hey Guys its Bobby from Benjamin Charles and I have had my fair share of Stankovas as well, often wondered what I did in a former life to get such poor doctors. I also agree that we have stankovas in every hospital it should lead every veteran to be even more cautious. If you have stankovas in your hospital, Veterans hospital, CBOC give a shout out. I also agree on the comment of hanging the pictures, whats the va afraid of it helps everyone veterans, employees identify whose treating them. We have vaccines also come and get them

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Category: Doctor

Lenka Stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Now that's a protest I can get behind racism and white privilege. I would gladly walk the line especially with Al Sharpton at the helm less racism at the Veterans *** Hospitals, less White Privilege at Veterans *** Hospitals more Qualified Black Doctors. Were good enough to fight along side the white soldiers but apparently not good enough to be doctors at the Veterans Hospitals even though we passed the same courses. They have these white doctors who work at the Veterans Hospitals who never leave never retire, could care less about patient care, know they can not be fired due to civil service protections often promoted over quality black doctors and that has to change. Who works at any job for 30 plus years in this society only a government employee. Were does Lenka Stankova work? Lets start the protest there! No more Racism No more White Privilege.

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Category: Dallas Veterans Hospital

Dallas VA Complaints, lancaster, dallas, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Illegal VA Complaints Strategy Against Veterans Exposed Now you know why your care is garbage Last week, journalist Angela Rae exposed despicable treatment of veterans through a little known process VA employees use against veterans. Some VA employees illegally lodge VA complaints against veterans to manipulate the purpose of disruptive behavior committees. Angela Rae interviewed me about how veterans are impacted by this illegal retaliation at the receiving end of VA’s disruptive behavior committees. Disruptive Behavior Committees Disruptive behavior committees are intended as a catch all to manage hostile and threatening veterans while they seek health care from VA. On the surface, this sounds reasonable. Some veterans are in fact dangerous. However, many nonveterans are also dangerous, and I have yet to see a secret committee like these in civilian hospitals. My problem with the process is that it is secret. The review process is done in secret and the veteran will not know who sat on the committee or what the evidence presented was prior to the decision. Only after the decision is made are veterans informed of the outcome and given a chance to appeal the vague allegations. That seems like a due process violation if I have ever seen one. Further, the process of filing complaints against veterans has been used in many instances where the veteran initially files a complaint against a VA doctor or staff member. In some instances, when a complaint is lodged, VA personnel escalate the intensity of the conversation and even threatening the veteran. In those instances, VA employees are guilty of illegally filing counter complaints against veterans since the totality of the circumstances would not match the allegations. Unfortunately, VA has a tendency of never believing the veterans, and veteran complaints against VA personnel are almost never received well. As is the case here, in many instances those complaining veterans are instead retaliated against. I believe this tactic is used to disparage and discredit the veteran when VA reviews the matter. Background on DC Breakdown Interview Initially, Angela Rae was outraged when she heard about what VA is doing behind the scenes to retaliate against honest veterans seeking care, so much so that she decided to interview me to learn more about the illegal practice. It was done via Skype while I was on vacation with family, so the sound has a slight delay. But, you will get a good idea about what is going on and how certain VA doctors and administrators are harming veterans by misusing the process of disruptive behavior committee reviews. This form of retaliation is, in my opinion, one of the biggest crimes VA is committing across the country because it chills the speech of veterans who respectfully file complaints that have merit. In response to many of these valid complaints, VA employees have been known to file counter complaints that defame the veteran and diminish their credibility. The end result is a veteran having an improper flag on their file, harassment from VA police, and/or restrictions in access to timely health care. If you have been harmed by an illegal use of disruptive behavior committee policies, please comment below or send me a private email. The Dallas Veterans Hospital is notorious for this complain and watch what happens. For Goodness Sake clean the bathroom by the ER disgusting had to squat as I was afraid to touch anything.

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Category: Keller Williams Real Estate Allen TX

Christopher Lamrock, 1002 Raintree Cir STE 100, Allen, TX 75013

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Hey Chris Lamrock, previously of Sonic. How's that real estate empire treating you? Lol. Still living in that little crack house in Rockwall! Lol! Well you know, that house you were bragging about at 175 Peninsula in Rowlett ain't doing too hot, now is it? Like other reviewers have said about you, you're real estate expertise is to reduce the price and then reduce it some more. You have reduced the price on this property 9 times. $3,400,000 to $1,959,900. You must hold the record for being the worst realtor in Texas. Go back to working at Sonic where your sales expertise can't screw up people wanting to buy a burger. Lol! What a joke you are! Lol!

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Category: Lab

dallas veterans hospital

Rating: 5 out of 5.

as soldiers we have names for everything and everybody we live in a world with 3 letter designations and shorten phrases. We call the lab people lab people lab monkeys because its usually a circus more often then not always a crazy disaster. The lab is one of the most hated places in all of Dallas Texas. Today was different. I was in an out in less then 5. I wanted to give each of them a big hug reach in my pocket and give them all a fat raise as I am sure the VA is shortchanging them. THEY FINALLY GOT IT RIGHT the changes they have made are SPECTACULAR. 10 STARS FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE LAB. THANK YOU

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Category: Doctor

Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

hey guys and gals its joy from Nellis we have vaccines to so please sign up get yours so we can get back to normal. I also agree as well with the many comments about hanging pictures of all the docs would be beneficial unfortunately Nellis has many many LENKA STANKOVAS as well. Many Soldiers believe rightfully so we are nothing more then practice. We would love to get rid of the Lenka Stankovas who butcher, hack, destroy lives but as manyof the comments point out they are protected. The laws protect the sub par doctors instead of showing them the door. I also think doctors should wear there pictures like some of the nurses so you know who is behind the mask who is making life and death choices are your behalf. WEAR THE PICTURES AS WELL. There should be an age mandate as in many professions it probably would save lives as well

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Rating: 1 out of 5.

Barclays Card - Sallie Mae Credit Card. While most of you probably already know or been a victim of it yourselves. Recently I pushed a cart full of groceries up to the self check out were I looked like an idiot, an *** for not being able to pay for them because barclays closed out the card without any letter without any phone call without any email. They said they sent one out as someone who has head this many times from other soldiers happening to them but never think it would happen to you. They type up a letter and never send it out. We were customers for over 10 years over 20000 credit never missed any payment in 50 years. They are getting rid of good customers in favor of bad customers so they can charge more the interest. Currupt, Dirty, Rotten Company watch yourself as if it happens to others it can happen to you. Its WRONG. Get every bill known to man, but a simple letter they never sent it out

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