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Ms. Melissa Julian
Please, listen, folks. You're certainly entitled to your opinion about Ms. Julian--be it terrible or amazing--but please don't spread misinformation about her. All that does is confuse, upset, and cause fights...really out-of-control fights, knowing the site. I've done my web research, and Teacher's Association did not rate her as the Number 1 Principal in 2022. (It is unclear which "Teacher's Association" the review references, but no organization granted her an award in 2022, so the review is indeed incorrect.) To clarify, I'm not expressing ANY opinion about her leadership; heck, I'm not even suggesting she should or shouldn't have received an award like that. My only claim is that misinformation is harmful.
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Ms. Melissa Julian, Pittsford Mendon High School, Pittsford, NY
Hey, hey, Melly J., how many kids did you censor today?
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Ms. Melissa Julian, Pittsford Mendon High School, Pittsford, NY
Apparently, Ms. Julian used to be an English teacher. Now, she writes bland, monotonous speeches and censors kids whenever they try to note a serious problem at Pittsford such as racism or bigotry. Her old self would be so proud of her today. [sigh]
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Ms. Melissa Julian, Pittsford Mendon High School, Pittsford, NY
Ms. Julian is so paranoid over students speaking or writing about racism at Pittsford. The behavior is strange--it's almost as if she has a hidden history of racism or is downright afraid of people of color.
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Ms. Melissa Julian
Hey, hey, Melly J, how many teens did you infantilize today?
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